


5 years, 4 months ago


"I'm bored~ Why don't you come and play with me ♥"

Name Rondo Aster Ceyle
Nicknames Roro, Ron, Ronron
Gender Male ♂
Species Bombay cat
Age Appears 10
Birthday April 1
Sign Aries ♈
Pronouns He / Him
Orientation Asexual
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Relationship Status Unknown
Occupation Self-proclaimed genie
Voice Claim 「 voice 」
Designer Laneski
Worth Not for sale or trade

Height 4'11" ft | 150 cm
Weight 97 lbs | 44 kg
Build Petite
Skintone Fair
Hair Colour Ashy light brown
Eye Colour Yellow / Gold


  • His hair colour is #a9867e (please remain around this colour)
  • Has a physique of a little boy
  • Has vertical pupil
  • Has canine teeth


crafty • mysterious • sneaky • cunning • mischievous • playful • unpredictable • devious

If you first met Rondo, you may think that he is a soft-hearted naive boy, due to his childlike behaviour. But as you interact with him more, you might change your opinion on him completely.

Rondo is usually seen as being playful and carefree, but he is not the nicest person. He is a very good manipulator, he usually portrays himself as someone being friendly, sincere and honest in order to trick people into trusting him. And people fall for his tricks easily, because he has an excellent skill in lying. Upon interacting with him, you can never tell if he is speaking the truth or has just been lying all along. Rondo is quite secretive and mysterious, as his true intentions are never revealed unless he himself reveals them.

Rondo loves gathering information about the people he meets, especially their secrets and weaknesses so that he could toy with them whenever he is feeling bored. He enjoys making people cry, seeing people in pain and the scared look on their faces; it excites him.

All in all, it is hard to comprehend what is going on in his head. No one ever knows what he is thinking nor his true personality, as he has never shown his true self to anyone.


  • Napping
  • Boxes
  • Sweets and desserts
  • Lying
  • Using people


  • People who outsmarts him
  • Being toyed with
  • Being treated like a child
  • Things that doesn't go his way
  • Being bored


  • He is able to transform into a black cat
  • He has the ability to freely appear and disappear, and levitate
  • With payment, he is able to fulfil people's wishes and desire
  • People can only see his human form if their desire is strong
  • He is an agile jumper; he can leap at a great distance
  • He dislikes people cuddling or touching him when he's in his cat form
  • He feeds on human organs
  • Aside from organs, he has a strong love for candies, cakes and all sweet stuff
  • He is very picky when it comes to 'normal' food
  • Manipulating people's mind is a game to him
  • He finds pleasure in someone else's pain and misfortune
  • He has quite a sadistic mind
  • He likes turning pretty things into ugly ones
  • Despite his cute face, he has a horrible personality and is very crazy on the inside //cough
  • His birthday was when he first arrived in London


"Without knowing, I was awoke to complete darkness. It was quiet and still. No matter how long I've walked, I was still surrounded by blackness. But on one peculiar day, upon walking I heard a voice — a voice calling out my name. I didn't know why, but my feet started running on its own; running towards the voice that is calling out to me. My hands desperately trying to reach for that voice even though there was nothingness around me. Before realizing it, I was out of that darkness and was surrounded by the city lights that looked like stars."

Rondo does not remember much of his past apart from his name and his abilities. Till this day, he still does not know who brought him out of that miserable place. But he doesn't care much either.


It has been several years later since he last arrived in London. Along the way, he had learnt and discovered many things in this wondrous world. But what fascinates him the most are the people. Why? He finds their behaviour highly amusing; especially the ones who are vulnerable.

As of now, he wanders around the cities to hunt down his next prey. Playing the role of a genie to 'help' people by granting them wishes. However, in actuality, he is just trying to soothe his boredom by toying with them until his heart's content.