Domino [Sona] (Old Design (yuck))



Old description of the character reads as follows;

Direct link to proper character reference(s):

Dom and Ino are siblings that share a body. They are of the Jester species and live out of the trash heap on the outskirts of the Glutton Marsh in the GaggleSphere. They are mostly isolated, not many beings come through the route they've settled on. The main features of their home is a broken down caravan and an old, botched circus tent. 

Dom belongs to the left side, they are more outgoing and extroverted than their sibling. Dom is bossy and filled with pride, feeling as if they are the dominant half, however can lose their cool easily. Ino is shy and collected, they belong to the right side. They don't talk as much as Dom but chimes in to conversation when a witty remark is needed. However if there is one thing they both share, it's their incredible greed. They enjoy cooking up schemes to scam anyone passing by out of their gold!  

Biological quirks/traits: 

- each of them have their own mouth on their respective sides of the head

- they cannot look in opposite directions their eyes can only look in the same direction, unless going cross-eyed

- sharp, saturated yellow teeth (probably don't brush enough! :o)

- each sibling can only control the limbs on their half of the body, movement is a collective effort

- like most jesters being themed around card/board games in the GaggleSphere, their motif is based on a domino, as such they are named (see, silky pale skin and the 4 dots on their face)

- their second motif is comedy and tragedy, however this element isn't incredibly strong personality wise, but has resemblance