


5 years, 4 months ago


Personal Description

Name:  Minami  Yuna

Nickname:  none

Age:  16

Date of Birth:  May 11th

Gender:  Female

Hero Name: Shield Maiden

Occupation: first year student at UA


Yuna and Yuki were born into a home that wasn't stable their parents didn't always get along and they were stuck in the middle of it. It wasn't a big surprise then when one day their mom packed up her things and left them. She had her own reasons but none that small kids would understand at the time. It was rough adjusting to life without both parents there everyday but some how life moved on. their mother got remarried to some one else some years later  and after that she had a new life and slowly and also before they knew it she was rarely around anymore. Their dad stepped up  and became who they needed him to be he worked harder  he would not fail his kids. They moved to a new area for his work. Yuna made new friends and got to see heroes fighting villains  in person for the first time and from then on she worked hard to practice using her quirk and studying to get into UA  where this year she was finally accepted !


Hair Color:  strawberry blonde

Eye Color: one green one blue

Height: 5'4

Weight: Secret!

Build: small


Yuna has soft strawberry blonde hair thats cut and styled  in a layered bob hairstyle just long enough to tie up she keeps it up out of the way in a ponytail during school and at home but for her hero outfit she wanted something different and untied her hair. She loves cute girly clothes but also enjoys a nice comfy jacket and lounge pants when at home. she finds high heels unbearable so she wears flats, boots, sandles and other shoe types. She doesn't wear much makeup but what she does it looks natural.


Positive: Brave | Confident | Loyal | Dependable

Negative: anxious | Cautious | Naive  |

Neutral:  Cute | emotional | independent | soft


- being outside

-  plushies

- books

-  cute things

- video games

- manga

- anime

- nendoroids

- birds

- flowers


-  deep water

-  heights

- spiders

- wasps

- feeling hopeless


- cooking and baking

-  Reading


Yuna is a happy girl who is optimistic seeing the good side to people and situations. Shes brave not hesitating to stand up for whats right and protect people. Shes confident and believes in herself and her friends She looks out for people and gets things done being a dependable person.

Quirk and Abilities

Quirk: Force Field

Type: emitter


a semi transparent  barrier made of energy projected to protect a person or area. Depending on the persons ability at the time they can be whole walls to shrunk to be a shield


-  good protection from most  attacks

-  can change its size to become a shield or a wall

-  can protect civilians from danger

-  can contain a villain to an area


-  not good for direct attacks

- limited range

-  can trap herself in an area with a villain

-   can be broken though if the person is strong enough


1.  Arm guards - made of a special material with a hexagon pattern on it,  able to bond with her force fields so shes able to use it as a shield and protect herself  quickly

2 . 




Yuki | Younger brother

Yuna adores her little brother they have a lot of similar interests, they rarely argue about anything. She wants to protect him and hopes he doesn't become a hero because of the danger they can face. but at the same time if thats what he wants to do she will support him 100%

Yori |  Father  

Yuna and Yuki's dad hes dependable and smart hes a hard worker and works 2 jobs to support his kids. Hes not a hero he works in developing  tech and other tools for people to use to protect and fight agenst villains to protect themselves when a hero isn't around. He understands and knows his kids hes able to support them more because of this



Love interest:  



- doesn't swear

- Terrible liar

-  she  calls her dad her hero he  just  laughs and says "  All I do is make toys"

-  she knows English as well as her native Japanese

- Yuna's force fields are  always teal in color

-  the force fields are pliable they ripple when touched and you can push into  it several inches but it will spring back it have a faint hexagon structure to it

- her shield is a hexagon shape

- when her force fields breaks they becomes brittle and shatters like glass