


8 years, 5 months ago



Age ???

Height 6'0"

Gender Male

Species Demon or Alien

Orientation Asexual

Kobal has an incredible curiosity and is kinda hyper active. He loves climbing up trees and buildings, anything. He likes attention and can get pretty annoying, but other than that he isn't so bad. He can be calm when he wants to or needs to be. Careful around him though, he is a bit unpredictable and can get dangerous if he feels threatened. He has a bit of difficulty making the difference between right or wrong but he still has an overall idea. His behavior is quite animalistic, a little bit child-like as well, but even so he speaks correctly and is very smart. He learns very quickly, almost instantly, by mimicking other people, that's how he learned how to write and read or how to fight. He's very agile, flexible and quick on his feet. A tough and dangerous opponent in close combat. He is a bit of a trickster and likes to play tricks and make people laugh. Also, he has a bad habit of stealing things he likes, but it's not his fault. He simply can't help it, but he knows it's bad.

"Quote here..."