Almira Rozencratz



5 years, 3 months ago


Full Name: Almira Rozencratz

AKA: The Mother

Age: 58

Gender: Female (Intersex species, prefers She/Her) 

Species: Hounds (To be named)

Almira is a very calm, soothing woman. She was once a warrior, but a severe injury to her spine left her with quite limited mobility, and she had to retire. 

Now, she is a mother, but she's not doing too great mentally. Her injury and her marriage have caused her great damage physically and psychologically, and she's sadly struggling greatly with this. 

She is still, however, a great and loving mother. She has many children (around 30, which is normal for their species) and every single one of them adores her to no end. They all hold her in very high regard, adore her, and try their best to make sure she's always happy, safe, and healthy. 

Tho her mind is almost gone, she always remembers the name and face of every single one of her kids down to every last detail of their lives that they've shared with her. No matter what happened, her mind and soul insist on remembering everything she can about her kids. 

Her husband, however, is a different story. While she loves him still, it's not in a romantic way anymore. He's not a great husband (or a good person) but they still share a bond to this day. 


  • Balthazar Rozencratz - Husband
  • Ronald Decker - Son
  • Margarette Rozencratz - Son 
  • Nicholas "Nick" Rozencratz/Decker - Son
  • Ophelia Rozencratz - Daughter
  • Anastasia "Anz" Rozencratz - Son
  • George "Geo" Rozencratz - Daughter 
  • Many other sons and daughters yet to be named!