


5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Ace Connor












July 17th




Cartographer / Curator


Skip is his adopted younger brother, and their parents are still alive.


Calm, slow, and easy on the ears. Soothing, really.


Physical Description: Tall and a bit chubby. Square jaw and calm eyes. Has bolts on his neck.  Rarely seen without a bowtie and suspenders. His purple skin is riddled  with stitches. Due to injury, he carries a cane, and his movement is  rather impaired without it.

Personality: Ace lives to help others. If a stranger were to ask for his help, he would be likely to assist as quickly and efficiently as he could. He easily devotes his entire self into other people, and, as one might guess, that doesn't usually work out for him. He follows his heart in every step he takes, without much of a second guess, and is quite impulsive as a result. He is a simple man, needing only his passions and a roof over his head to survive. He is very sensitive and emotional, and feels things very intensely. He is easily hurt, but doesn't like to cause a stir about it. Ace is not very keen on busy situations and prefers quiet. He isn't the most sociable, and can sometimes be a bit difficult to get close to, but he is always kind, friendly, and loving. However, he is set off by people who wrong others, and can't bring himself to respect those who are disrespectful. He is a little scary when he is truly angry, and even gets physical, but it happens very rarely. He gets very anxious around loud noises and people, which can make him cranky, but he is still just as harmless, unless further provoked.

Backstory: His childhood was fairly normal and carefree. His younger brother Skip became a part of the family when Ace was about 12, and the two have always been close. When he finished with high school, he pursued a career as a museum curator, fueled by his love of history and other subjects. Somewhere along the way, he fell in love with a man he'd rather forget. He fell fast and hard, and things were sweet at first, but eventually the two began to clash a bit. Their spats grew more frequent, and he even kicked Ace out with nowhere to go, forcing him to return to his parents' home in the meantime. The two reconciled, and then married soon after, but it didn't last long, and eventually they cut it off for good. Ace was left heartbroken, and threw himself  into his job in an attempt to get back on his feet faster. One unfortunate day, he landed himself in a gunfight that he did not leave unscathed, and his leg suffered long-term damage.

Likes: Maps, making maps, brightening people's days, protecting and helping people, making friends, bowties, stars, night time, warm blankets, exploring new things/places, being outdoors, observing, quiet, nature, architecture.
Dislikes: Dishonesty, unhappiness, when people don't follow their dreams, conflict and fighting, loud noises.

Strengths: Size, endurance, optimism, sense of direction, map-making skill, surprisingly calm in dire situations.
Weaknesses: Sensitive, loud noises, does not heal quickly, anxious, temper(situational)

Fun facts:

-ISFJ (Jung personality type)

-Type 2 (Enneagram type)

-He loves history, collecting, and map making.

-He was originally a Homestuck fanapace named Avid Cartographer (AC).