


5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Denny Sarkozi




Vampire (formerly human)


124 (Turned at 24)



Asexual Demiromantic


Lounge Singer


August 22nd




Physical Description: Denny is somewhat tall and slender. He has long limbs and a thin waist.  His hair is black and greased back, save for a few stray strands that  dangle in front of his face. His eyes are red, his cheekbones high, his  ears pointed, and he has two big fangs that stick out of his mouth above  a small goatee on his chin. There is a pair of bite marks on the right  side of his neck. He's usually dressed in a neatly kept black suit, with  a rose corsage pinned to his lapel and a bow tie that matches his eyes.  He is often gesturing with his entire body for the sake of drama or  emphasis (often both). Despite his proportions, he is far from clumsy.

Personality: It's no secret to anyone: Denny Sarkozi loves himself. He carries a  picture of himself, from younger days, because he can't use a mirror. He  loves the spotlight the stage gives him, the way it turns everyone's  eyes on him. He is dramatic, he is petty, and talks very highly of  himself. Underneath this, he cares about others, but has a... funny way  of showing it. "You're almost as good as me!" is a  compliment, coming from him. He can't stand it when he can't get  attention and he can't stand being alone too long for that reason. The  only thing Denny loves more than himself is singing. It's been his  passion since he was very young, and he never again wants to have a job  that doesn't involve it. He represses many of his feelings to keep up  the questionably successful facade that nothing bothers him. He likes to  look good and puts as much work into his appearance as he can manage  to. Denny often points out the flaws of others but denies those pointed  out about himself. Despite his claims that he dislikes getting hung up  on the past, he is a lover of nostalgia and clings strongly to certain  old memories and sentimental items. As a former human, he can't help but  feel a sort of unspoken connection with humans in the city. He never  has and never wants to kill one. He will drink their blood, but only  from a glass, and prefers other kinds first.

Backstory: Originally a human, Denny grew up in a town inhabited only by those of  his kind just a train ride away from a budding MonstroCity. One day, he  fell for a beautiful stranger visiting town, unaware of her vampire  status. She turned him when his guard was down, and he woke up the next  day feeling... hungry. She offered him a rabbit from the nearby woods  and explained that it would only hold him off for a bit. Next time, he  would have to have something much more. It was shocking, confusing, and  overwhelming, to say the least. There was no way he could stay in his  hometown now that he was a monster. There was no way he could feed on  one of the members of his small town. He snuck himself out with just a  briefcase of clothes, sentimental objects, and an umbrella and caught  the nearest train to the city. The transition was not easy. After  growing up in a town of only humans his whole life, suddenly being in a  place of monsters of every kind felt like stepping right into the middle  of enemy territory. But no one was out to get him, because now he was  one of them. For years, he felt guilty about the whole thing, and did  eventually sneak back into town to give his family a proper goodbye.  Since then, he's managed to... sort of come to terms with it.  After countless odd jobs, he finally began to snag the ones he truly  wanted: singing. He never stayed at one place forever, but he still  enjoyed the spotlight. He's still never fed on another human.

Likes: Himself, music, singing, dancing, parties, trends, stylish clothes, gossip, wine.
Dislikes: When he's proven wrong, swallowing his pride,  ruminating on the past, when attention is diverted away from him, being  ignored, the transition between autumn and winter, his sire.

Strengths: Lives a LONG life, can turn into a bat?, heals fairly quickly, agile, great singer, good dancer.
Weaknesses: Has to live off blood, sometimes his past comes back to haunt him, humans, his pride, his sire.

Fun Facts:

-Tends to count his surroundings when he's nervous (or to stim?)

-His favorite color is red, and it was even before his transformation. He finds orange to be kind of garish and tacky.

-He keeps a lot of photo albums, clinging close to any photos he has of himself.

-Can play a little bit of basic piano, but prefers singing over playing instruments.

-He's fond of birds and cats, but not really into rats.

-If he were an animal he'd be a peacock.

-I associate him with Sammy Davis Jr., so that might be the closest thing to a voice claim for him.

-ENTP (Jung Type)

-Ennegram Type 3

-Was originally a Homestuck fan carapace named... I don't actually remember if I ever ended up naming him! But maybe his initials were DS?

-Created January 28th, 2014