


5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Frank Wilcox






Pokerchip Monster (albino)




September 15th






Pawn Shop Owner


Deep, clear, with a thick city accent. Can be very loud even when he doesn't mean to be.


Physical Description: 6'3", with a gut, stark white fur and some damage to his face, Frankie  is hard to miss. His markings are a deep, navy blue, and consist of a  patch over his right eye and other splotchy patches at his elbows, knees  and shoulders, most notably. His eyes and teeth are a soft, sky blue  and his cheekbones are defined. There is a scar in the middle of his  face, and both of his horns have been broken, but have since smoothed  into flat stubs from healing. He dresses humbly, comfortably, and  prefers to wear earthy colors. He is not bothered by dirt and isn't  afraid or embarrassed about being messy, but he isn't a slob either.  Frankie's movements are pretty heavy-handed and footed, and sometimes he  doesn't know his own strength and plays rough. He is good with his  hands though.

Personality: Frankie is loud and sometimes blurts out things he  shouldn't, but it's important to him that he be a good person. He takes  pride in his strength, and being strong for those who can't always be.  He is protective of family, friends, and people in need. Left alone, he  is rather quiet and even a bit detached, but gets louder and more  excitable when other people are around. Before his accident, he was much  more impulsive, cocky, and generally angry, but has since calmed down. He is warm and loves people, but also enjoys having space to  himself after living with myriads of other people for so long. In the  past, he would often get into a lot of scuffles, but nowadays has  learned better methods to let out his pent up anger and excess energy.  Frankie has had a penchant for collecting things since he was a child.  He can be a bit of a packrat--a habit that was also formed in his  childhood, when things were much more difficult and anything useful  found was valuable. He keeps his collections at a rather healthy amount  now by selling from his shop, but adds to it from there just as often.  It's organized, but perhaps in a way only he can understand.          

Backstory: For a time, Frankie grew up alone. Born to a sex worker struggling with  substance abuse issues, he was often neglected, and subjected to things  early on that maybe he shouldn't have. His uncle would occasionally  check in on he and and his mother to make sure the two of them weren't  dead, but his disdain and frustration for the both of them was very  clear to Frankie. He was a loud man, and the two of them would do  nothing but bicker when he came around. Frankie often found himself  retreating to the streets--or anywhere he could that wasn't home--and  often survived through the kindness of few strangers. One day, he met a  boy named Felix, another brothel-born child struggling to get by. They  became fast friends and fought the world together, doing whatever they  could to make it through the day. He was welcomed by Felix's mother, and  found himself with a new place to call home. After years of odd jobs,  Frankie discovered the world of underground fighting. It was good money,  and a better way to let his anger out than starting fights in bars. And  he was good at it. After some of his fights, he would run into a spunky  young girl named Ezra. She was his biggest fan, and the two would chat  for a bit whenever they would meet. Knowing what it's like to be a kid  on the streets, Frankie  was concerned for her safety, increasingly so  the more she told him about her home life. However, at the height of his fighting career, Frankie was jumped by a group of guys interested in having him lose. They broke off his horns and left him to bleed in an alleyway, and Frankie hasn't been the same since. He's since quit fighting and settled down, and even adopted Ezra. He has chronic headaches and deals with PTSD.

Likes: Collecting, antiques, vintage memorabilia (magazines,  posters, etc etc), odds and ends, boxing and sports, movies, art (from  an appreciative standpoint), music, food, protecting people, card games,  competition, time spent with family and friends.

Dislikes: Feeling unsafe,  threats to his family/friends, bouts  of pain/depression/self-consciousness, alleyways, being stuck indoors  all the time, being singled out from the crowd too much, being alone,  when things are too quiet.

Strengths: Big, strong, street smart, has a good heart, smarter than he seems.

Weaknesses: Bottles emotions until they explode, avoids certain  parts of the city like the plague because of associated memories, proud  and doesn't want to appear "weak" in front of most people, his family  and friends.

Fun Facts

-His favorite color is green, and he is fond of earthy tones in general

-Collects A LOT OF STUFF. Vintage memorabilia: posters, pin-ups, art, magazines, art books,  advertisements, knick knacks, novelties and antiques. Keeps a lot of  sentimental things, too: gifts, photos, tickets, etc. Keeps both vintage  and modern movies and music stuff too. He still keeps an old bottle cap  collection he started as a kid, but it's mostly sentimental and he  doesn't add to it very often.

-Fond of the works of J. C. Leyendecker, Norman Rockwell, Joyce Ballantyne

-His hobbies are collecting, card games and board games and anything he can play with others honestly, movies, art, vintage stuff, music, sports.

-Fave foods are meats, heavy stuff, comfort food, stuff that fills you up. Anything, honestly. He's not too picky.

-Can drive but sticks to walking and public transportation to save cash. Doesn't like to walk alone most of the time.

-Tends to avoid alleyways, walking alone, and certain parts of the city he associates with bad memories.

-Can play acoustic guitar

-His favorite holiday is Christmas

-ISFJ (Jung personality type)

-Ennegram Type 8

-Was originally a Homestuck fan carapace named Flippant Pawnbroker (FP)