


5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Mortimer Quinones


Morty (preferred)


Death's Head Hawk Moth






March 4th




College Professor / freelance lyricist and poet / Waiter




Mother and Father (divorced) some extended family. Is an only child.


Lower baritone, easy on the ears, clear. Verbose and can talk fast and loud when excited, sometimes trips over words in the process. Thick Spanish accent with a dash of French.


Physical Description: Big, tall, and fuzzy--that's Morty. He is covered in dark fuzz and has a  dark, fluffy collar around his neck. On the back of the collar is a  lighter, skull-shaped marking. His hair is a black, curly mess with a  pair of feathery, yellow antennae sticking out at the top. His grey eyes  sit behind a pair of half moon glasses. He has a large pair of wings  that are usually relaxed closed against his back. He is quicker than one  might expect, especially when he's excited by something, which is when  he can get a bit gestural. Morty is usually wearing a sweater vest and  nice pants, sometimes with or without a jacket.

Personality: As a writer and a poet, Morty has a way with words. He loves languages  (and can speak three), and is a huge bookworm. He loves beautiful  things, and since he tries to see the beauty in everything... well, he  loves a lot of things. He has an ear for music and likes to sing  and play piano, but he would never consider himself a musician. Morty  loves people, even strangers, very deeply. He never passes up a good  conversation or chance to meet a new friend. He is kind, and rather  dislikes confrontation and fighting. He is okay with the occasional  debate, however, as long as no one gets hurt. Morty is a hopeless  romantic. Romance comes easy to him, and it is important for him to  shower the ones he loves with affection.

Backstory: Morty was born and raised in northern Spain, and with his parents  separation, he was constantly toted into southern France to visit his  father as well. His mother was a florist, and much of his childhood with  her was spent peacefully and surrounded by flowers. On visits to his  father, he was encouraged to speak only French. Morty's father would  focus on teaching him academics, which Morty may have been more fond of  if he hadn't been so harsh about it. He developed a fondness for reading  and writing, and aspired to become a teacher. He was successful in his  studies, but decided to move to America to carry out his career. Morty  snagged a job part-time as a college professor at MCU, teaching Spanish  and Spanish Literature.

Likes: Reading, writing, music, poetry, words and language, art  and sculpture, exercise, intelligent conversation, debate, teaching and  learning, people, sweets, relaxation, nature.

Dislikes: Fighting, those who can't appreciate a good book or the written word, the taste of meat.

Strengths: Multilingual, knowledgeable, good writer, has undying optimism.

Weaknesses: Non-confrontational, wouldn't hurt a fly, would do  anything for the ones he loves, is affected very deeply by emotions and  attachments regarding people, sweets.

Fun Facts

-Favorite color is periwinkle. Fond of calm, somewhat unsaturated colors that are soft on the eyes. Earthy colors, too.

-Speaks English, Spanish and French. Knows some Basque but isn't entirely fluent.

-Plays piano and can sing

-Collects SO many books, but has a tablet he keeps a lot on as well. He's not averse to technology!

-Is a vegetarian

-Gardens/parks/places with lots of plants, beaches, and home are his favorite places.

-Favorite foods are sweets, esp honey, and fresh vegetables

-As a human he has full sleeve tattoos and several more.

-ENFP (jung type)

-Ennegram Type 2

-Created April 7th, 2014