
8 years, 2 months ago


Jin ***


"We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment." – Hilaire Beloc


N A M E  __ Jin
G E N D E R __ Male
A G E  __ Adult
B I R T H D A Y __ 4/6/16
T H E M E __ Zodiac Fooling—Leo / #229
T Y P E __  Fooling / 229
O C C U P A T I O N __ Guardian
M A T E __ N/A
L I K E S__ Traveling, cold weather, and protecting others.
N A T I O N __ Norden
D I S L I K E S __ Bullies, people touching his mane, sticky fingers...
W E A K N E S S __ Extremely protective of his mane.



Jin is just a big ol' ball of fluffy grump.



Confident | Ambitious | Generous | Loyal | Encouraging - Lusomnia

If one were to describe Jin, the first thing that would come to mind would be “has the heart of a lion”,

 followed immedietly with “is an extreme goody two shoes.” Both of these descriptions were of course given to

 him courtesy of one of his close friends Ren, who although finds immense joy in teasing Jin and getting

 him irritated, believes in these descriptions whole heartedly. 

When he was but a pup Jin was bullied relentlessly. He was tiny compared to the other foo’s his age, and

 because of this when he walked around people would often times mistake him for an oversized orange cotton ball.

 This enraged Jin, and made him bitter of those around him. Why did he have to be so different from the others?

 Why did they have to be so harsh to him over something he had no control over? These questions would race

 through Jin’s mind everyday, and haunted him every time he saw his reflection. Over time Jin learned to ignore

 his bullies and to always keep his head held up high. Years went by and he grew taller and more self confident, his

 fur also balancing out in the process. With his new found confidence the foo’s that used to bully him finally

 took the time to really look at his bell markings, and upon discovering that he was in fact a celestial foo

 developed a newfound respect for him. 

Although his peers now respected him, and everything seemed to be going perfectly for Jin. He was still not

 satisfied. Figuring that he would never figure what exactly was missing from his life if he stayed in town. Jin decided

 to venture out into the mountains of Norden to figure things out. That was when he met Neve, a young girl who

 was lost in the mountains, scared and alone. Jin’s immediate instinct was to help the girl. Get her down the mountain

 and to the nearest village immedietly. Never did it ever cross his mind that the seemingly young girl could be a demon

 in disguise or a bandit ready to rob him at any minute. No, all he saw was a girl, alone and terrified, and he just could

 not in his right mind let her die up there alone. So just like that Neve mounted Jin’s back and the duo made their way

 descent. When they were halfway through, Neve gently tugged on Jin’s mane signaling for him to stop. Jin was

 confused as to why she wanted him to stop but obliged to her request.

 Climbing off his back, Neve made her way in front

 of Jin and a bright light enveloped her. Blinking away the residual brightness from his vision, Jin saw that in place of where

 the young girl was once standing was a full grown woman, tall and regal. She reached out and stroked Jin’s mane

 affectionately telling him that she was in fact not a young girl, but a deity of compassion. Everyday she would go through

 the same routine of sitting somewhere on the mountains, waiting and hoping for a traveler to come by and offer her their

 assistance. But sadly every time someone did pass by they simply ignored her, while others attempted to rob her. She told

 him how she had just about given up hope, and was going to either stop the constant charade all together or move on to a

 different continent, but something inside her told her to give it one more shot. That’s when she met Jin, the first one of over

 100 hundred travelers to actually stop and offer her his assistance. Touched by the whole ordeal Neve decided to grant Jin

 one wish for his act of true selflessness. Thinking that Jin would wish for something such as money, fame, or power,

 Neve braced herself for the inevitable wave of disappointment. But instead of wishing for any of those things, Jin

 managed to surprise Neve for the second time that day.


He wished to be her guardian.



His precious son

