
5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Human (Werewolf)

Gender/ Pronouns

Female, She/Her


Kutya, Midnight Snacks




Physical Description:
As a human, Fern is 5' 2" of a slightly athletic build, though she wishes she was taller. She has yellow eyes and light brown hair, edging to blonde at the tips. It is brushed forward and gets shorter towards the back. Fern has an almost permanent tan from being outside and has a somewhat unkempt look, often covered in dirt and dust. As a wolf, Fern is unusually small, with light brown fur that matches her hair. She is sometimes mistaken for a dog.

Fern was six when the Exodus occurred. She, along with many others was into one of the quarantine zones and lived there for four years. She was thoroughly bored in there, not really paying attention in attempts at schooling and lacking new things to keep her occupied. When she was ten she eventually managed to sneak out of the quarantine zone, longing to see what the world was like on the other side. She lived own her own for several months before she was picked up by the scientists at Proteus Laboratories. She went with them after the promise of food and a warm place to sleep. While Fern stay at the Lab an attempt was made to find her parents, but Fern made no attempts to help them, thinking she'd be sent back to quarantine. After sometime she was convinced to sign a waiver, not knowing what it was, permitting her use as a test subject. When she was approximately twelve, she was give the lycanthropy virus. Fern has made several attempts to leave the labs, resulting in the scientist putting a tracking chip on her.