

5 years, 3 months ago


Time Period 1700-1800's Victoria
Country Marland (Fictional UK)
Religion Christianity, Egyptian Gods
Humanity Human, Beasts
Primary language(s) English, Gaelic, Scottish, Egyptian
HTML Code by Vom
Cursed be the men that drink the blood of the dead, unknowing of what fate beckoned thee in life.

Heavy Hands, Dead Heart is a wip at the moment


In late 1700's-early-1800's, the mountainous and green highland country to the west known as Marland faced a rather unstable plague epidemic; much more so than the surrounding countries. Medicine supply began running dry and out quickly, and the Marlanders were no stranger to the use of mummia in their medicinal practices. In fact, it was one of their favoured uses of treatment. Even though Egypt banned the shipment of mummia in the 16th century, it was still and often illegally traded over to the English countries. Not to mention the mummia was also used by many artists as paint-tint.

The hired Egyptian excavators traveled under the shadow of night (and with the promise of fortune in their pocket with every ounce of mummia given) and began tomb-searching. Many of the more well known sites had either already been dug up and cleared, or under constant surveillance done by archaeologists in the area so it was no easy task to find one that hadn't been meddled with. Months into the search and the thought of failure lingering in their mind, they finally stumbled across a tomb that hadn't been uncovered due to it's odd placement. Overjoyed, they stormed in and found the tomb extra-ordinarily dark, eerie, and smelling more than just death. There were mummies chained to the wall by their arms and necks, portraits of gruesome scenes painted on the walls depicting beast-like creatures eating the innocent, and at the very end of the tomb lie a large and dark sarcophagus styled with the likes of Anubis. Despite all of the men agreeing that something felt terribly off about the tomb and all of them feeling the same stomach-knotting pain, they began defiling the tomb and taking as much mummia as they could get their hands on.

The mummia was then taken to Marland, and the Egyptian excavators paid handsomely. With it, the dead ingredient was then ground up and put into elixirs that would soon be ingested by many of those infected with the contagious illnesses. The patients reportedly took the medicine down "quite roughly" and showed more signs of worsening than improvement. However, after a few days of the treatment, the after-effects were things out of a nightmare.


The patients suffered tremendously after ingesting the mummia. They showed disturbing symptoms such as internal and external bleeding (from the eyes, mouth, nose, ears, etc..), the rotting of teeth and flesh, and an indescribable pain coming from all over the body. The nurses and doctors were dumb-founded as they had never seen anything like this, and thus, had no way of treating it. Many of the patients were even sent to the Upper Cathedral District of Audeburgh in order to "live their last days with god". However, there were no "last days" as no matter how violently they struggled and suffered, they would not die. The members of the church grew weary and fearful and even went as far as saying the infected were "demonic possessions" and attempted exorcisms on them- to no avail. Desperate for help and answers, they called upon the Kensfeld's Academy to see if any of their scholars could help identify the illness. The ones originally sent could not, but in their last hope, there was one who could.

A duel major archaeology/history - medicine student of the academy known as Siward traveled to the ill district. With his knowledge and love for the Ancient Egyptian culture, he recognised some of the symptoms from an old book he purchased off a merchant in Egypt many years ago. He began helping them in any way he could, but said that many of the infected were already "too late" for treatment. What happened to them remains unknown. Months later, and Siward proved himself spectacularly. The once writhing-in-pain had become free of it with only Siward, his brain, and his knack for odd medicine to thank. Both the church and the hospital aided him with whatever he needed to cure the rest of Audeburgh.


Many from all over Marland began seeking Siward out, even for him to cure something as simple as the common cold. He was honoured, really, but his true attention lay on those plagued with the strange mummia. After many sleepless nights and countless days, Siward worked on "improving" his cure- for the better, he'd say. It wasn't until the young baron from Dunstad named Nathaniel and the even younger grand-daughter of the Holy Cathedral's Vicar, Morrigan, were sent his way for "symptoms of plague" that he tested his new-and-improved, mysterious cure.

He kept this one enigmatic and began their treatment behind closed doors. He was right to do so, because if the populace knew that he began reusing the cursed (and, thought to be destroyed) mummia from the epidemic he cured, there would surely be outrage- especially since his patients were young children of well-known figures. The only others who knew of this was the Cathedral Father, Luthais, and a skilled nurse from the Braeshire Hospital, Margret. In fact, these two had been alongside him from the start of his "healing career" in Upper Audeburgh. It was an unspeakable miracle, the once dying children were healed in no time at all and had never looked better. Siward had done it again and the fame he earned soon began to go to his head.

Soon enough, all of Marland knew of Siward's talents and began requesting him personally. This even included the royal family of Glenroch, as the beloved King Douglas had Siward treat his two young children, and even himself, by invitation. Only the rich could afford his talents, and many of those in the slum of Lower Audeburgh still suffered. Siward had become a famed man for his findings, and it was all he could ever want. But it wasn't long until the truth about his supposed "magic medicine" came out.