Lysandra (Yellow Sapphire)



8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Yellow Sapphire (Round Gem, Small, Located on neck)








Homeworld (Aristocratic)

current Residence

somewhere in space




Outspoken and Confident


Likes: Caramel Candies, Ice Cream
Dislikes: Cold, Smell of Chocolate
Weapons: Mind Control

Lysandra is terrible at keeping secrets and loves talking smack about others. Her special power is mind control that works similarly to an imperious curse. The only problem is that she can only control one sentient being at once and if she looses concentration, is injured, knocked out, or the connection is broken due to any other reason, she will fall into a coma. Her mental barriers are terribly weak as a consequence of her power and she is unable to withstand other attacks. Instead of her weapon, she uses a large forcefield shield that auto-poofs any gems that are not moonstones/diamonds.She gets cold easily and often wears floofy boas and jackets. She highly dislikes the smell of chocolate, she cannot stand it and will most likely force you to get rid of it.

Giovanna { GIO - LYS }
Lys has a heart of gold and will defend Gio to her dying breath. Lys tends to make inappropriate comments/jokes/comments about Gio's lack-of-percieved-emotions. Lys can often be seen pampering Gio to apologise for their behaviour.
Gio gets hurt easily by Lys' comments but loves Lys really. Geo will get in fights most often with Lysandra. They're kind of like a married couple already HAHAHAHAHA

Lysandra { RIA - SANDRA }
Sandra loves to bitch together with Ria. Sandra will seek out Ria for help on relationship matters. Sandra will also occasionally get exasperated because they have to keep Ria out of trouble. They will also complain about Safira and ask for advice. 
Ria pjovides a sanctuary for an often-frazzled Sandra. Since Ria is the fun aunt of the group, then Sandra is the stern mother.  Ria gives fabulous relationship advice to Sandra whenever the other f*cks up or needs help. 

Sandy will treat Princess like a precious daughter and absolutely spoils her. Sandy mollycoddles Princess and forces the others to do so too (even though this annoys Gio and Ria thinks that some risk could be good for Princess). Sandy has the tendency to hover nervously in the background.
Princess loves all the love from Sandy but gets annoyed at the mollycoddling. Princess will however manipulate Sandy a lot to get their way and often is uncaring of the stress she puts Sandy under.