
5 years, 4 months ago



Paint is the primary sona of the sonaverse she resides. This makes her the protector of her sonaverse.

  • Name Paint
  • Nickname N/A
  • Age 19
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Sexuality Panromantic Asexual
  • Species Sona
  • Occupation Primary Sona
  • Residence Her Sonaverse
  • Religion Atheist
  • Alignment Chaotic Good
  • Positive Traits Honest, loyal, kind
  • Negative Traits Low confidence, overly stubborn, too blunt
  • Outlook Paint believes that people should do whatever they want as long as it isn't hurting others.
  • Belief Paint believes in second chances, but she knows some people are beyond forgiveness.
  • Strengths Paint is loyal and truthful. She is also kind and gives a lot to the sonaverse.
  • Weaknesses Paint has extremely low confidence and is very stubborn. It is not a good combination.
"Are you proud of you're accomplishments? The best one of you're kind? More like the best child killer...."

Paint is a very low confidence individual. She struggles with creating her own ideas and plans. She believes she is just a tool to help protect and maintain the sonaverse. She is very sarcastic and witty to cover her insecurities, but when she is alone, the insecurities come bursting out. She is very loyal and honest to the point where she is overly blunt. She is stubborn, and if a plan is in action, she will follow through.

  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Clumsy
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • Books
  • Comfy Blankets
  • Art
  • World Creation
  • Nostalgia
  • Sweet Iced Tea


  • Spiders
  • Tight Spaces
  • Getting Yelled At
  • Reality Agents
  • Bad Jokes
  • Paper Cuts


  • Reading
  • Drawing
  • Playing Video Games
  • Coding
  • Creating Concepts
  • Exploring the Sonaverse


  • Teleportation
  • Telekinesis
  • Magic Paintings
  • Fast
  • Playing Pretend
  • Getting Things Done
  • Skin Color Tan
  • Eye Color Hazel
  • Hair Color Brown
  • Height 5'5"
  • Clothing Style Loose, long tops
  • Skinny Large
  • Curvy Flat
  • Frail Muscular
  • Groomed Messy

Paint has a tan upper human half with freckles and cyan circular tattoos on her shoulder. She has brown hair with cyan streaks on the edge of it. She has a center tan horn and two horns in the back that are aqua and off-gold. Her eyes are hazel but will turn blue when using magic and purple when using CRV. Her lower half is light blue-scaled with darker blue markings and a long, matching tail. A tuft of aqua and off-gold fur is at the end of her tail and is frequently covered in paint.

Design Notes

  • Her feet have one, long sharp talon coming from them.
  • Her insides are shades of cyan.
  • Her pupils turn to slits when using CRV.
  • Her magic is cyan unless using CRV.
  • Her hazel eyes' colors are the same as the horn and tail tuft colors.
Click for Reference


Paint was made when her person was first born. She was just a spark though without consciousness or thought. Paint's first physical form was when she and her person were about 11 years old. It was the form of a cyan unicorn with dark purple and pink mane and tail. She gained emotions and feelings. She went through a few more forms after the fact, a unicorn-dragon hybrid, a human who could change forms, and finally, whatever exactly she is now.

It all changed when she and her person were both about 15. Her person's mental health sunk and she needed an outlet. Her person would create world after world but with few residents and unfinished stories. Many of these would fade into obscurity. Paint was fearful and tired to create sonas of things her person enjoyed, leading to the birth of Ihme and Miror. None of these worked. She needed a sona whose job was exclusively to bring comfort or vent feelings through. Those aren't just made... they were chosen.

Paint hated what she had to do. She loved seeing her person create, yet she had to destroy to help her person get better. Her person grew fond of a resident of this small world that she was one of the only two sole residents of- Amaryllis. Amaryllis had the perfect design for a comfort sona and the affection was there already. She just needed to be granted sona status. For that to happen, Amaryllis could not be tied to the world. Her world... could not exsist. Paint was successful, but Amaryllis didn't remember her old world and the other resident, Arra, wasn't pleased with what Paint had done.

Present Day

When Paint realized Arra survived and swore vengeance on her, the first thing she did was try to get Amaryllis to remember her old home. She was unsuccessful, but she got Amaryllis to agree to meet Arra. Arra never forgave Paint, but for attempting to fix their freindship, she stopped trying to kill her. Arra even agreed to be a guard of the sonaverse and to be a messenger. Paint was destoyed when she learned Arra was the first to fall, but proud that the android had the last laugh and sent a distress call to alert the sonaverse of what was coming.


Name: Amaryllis

Time known each other: 3 Years

Paint feels guilt over what happened with Amaryllis, but she likes Amaryllis as a person.


Name: Ihme

Time known each other: 3 Years

Ihme is like a cute little dog that Paint can't help but love.


Name: Miror

Time known each other: 4 Years

Miror is the parental and serious one of the group. Paint feels bad knowing the responibility of that was supposed to fall to her.