


5 years, 3 months ago


Meet Mike Benson, a college student who's majoring in engineering and minoring in cleaning the streets of Newark. He's always hated people being unnecessarily cruel around the city, but never knew what to do about it. One day he saw a man getting mugged in an alleyway on his way to school, and he couldn't stop the force pushing him to save that man. Mike got badly hurt and was hospitalized, but while in the hospital, he had an epiphany: with the right tools he could help clean up town. Being a huge nerd, and a college student, he wanted to choose a silly theme for his tools that would instill calm in the citizens around him. He sketched up many designs for a protective suit and possible extra features, but he didn't feel quite right about them. Spaceman? No, the vacuum joke wouldn't actually protect anyone. Mighty Mouse? No, that was too silly, also he couldn't think of any circumstances where he would want to get close enough to someone to actually use features like that.. He kept trying until he was at home, and upon seeing a cellar spider hanging down in front of him on his couch, it hit him: DADDY LONG LEGS. Mike began sketching at once, carefully designing a suit with eye tracking, heat/movement sensors, and a group of metal appendages on the back to help him move place to place. Once stealing the hardware from his school, he began to assemble his suit. Thus, Arachnodad was born. He hops place to place using his metal legs and while he doesn't have web to shoot, he has many features in his suit, including temperature regulation, police radio connection, tranquilizers, and tasers. At the end of the day, he's just your friendly neighborhood spidey,