lil R's Comments

Does anything in my TH interest you?? I love this little raptor <3

Hmmm wendy the wendigo seems kinda neat?

you know what, I'm totally down for that. let me know when to trade over to you

you know what, I'm totally down for that. let me know when to trade over to you

Oops I'm so sorry for getting back to you late. Go ahead and send them!

She's sent your way. Thank you sooo much!

np! Thanks for the trade! 

1 Replies

Nothing really interested me, sorry! Thanks for the offer anyway

Any of my ocs intrest ya?

Any of my ocs interest you ? 

Thanks for the offer, but I didn't see anything I was interested in, sorry! ♥

Anything in my UFS folder?

I had a look, but nothing really caught my eye, sorry! Thanks anyway!

They are so cute!!

Thanks! ♥

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Sorry, nothing really caught my eye, but thanks for the offer!

would you maybe consider a trade for him?

I didn't see anything that caught my eye, sorry! Thanks for the offer anyway!

Thanks for taking the time to look ^^

Any of my charachters catch your eye? If so let me know!

I looked but nothing really struck me, sorry! Thanks anyway!

That’s alright, thank you for your time!

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Art or characters is fine, just let me know what you have to offer

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I think I'll pass, but thanks for the offer anyway ♥

I had a look but unfortunately none of them really caught my eye. Thanks for the offer anyway!