Princess Fantastic



5 years, 4 months ago


Fantastic, the Fourth Princess of Princessentia, is the newest and 'oldest' Princess. An adult, she is the only Princess to create truly complex autonomous beings. She values responsibility and artistic ambition.

The Fourth Princess chose not to sieze power from the Third immediately after her emergence from the ether. Instead she and her early creations lived peacefully in a cottage in the Third Princess' domain. Princess Dangerous eventually discovered the new Princess and, fearful for her power being taken, made the first strike against Fantastic. The two are technically at war to this day, even after Princess Fantastic went off to found her own kingdom, Opalesca.

The first six beings created by the Fourth Princess are her Shards - externalized aspects of herself in human form. She considers them her children and they have very strong influence over her overall well-being. When Fantastic left Contrallide to create Opalesca she hid her Shards deep in the Contralien forest, hoping that Princess Dangerous would not harm them. Years later they rejoined her in Opalesca and are now royalty there.