Thelaidy Sarfeen



5 years, 3 months ago


Sarfeen's people were a powerful order of warrior mages.  When Tratchure became unstable, they moved as a group to migrate into Tratchure's sphincter, hoping to save as many as they can from their universe's impending death.  The journey was frought with obstacles and strife, and interference by pirates, and only Sarfeen was able to make it through.

A solemn and duty-focused woman, Thelaidy Sarfeen took her new eighth of Tratchure and constructed a new world, a potential utopia, known as Valluvinn.  Sarfeen became a guiding force for any native races who chose to ally with her, and she fostered the growth of many young civlizations.  Each species who submitted to Sarfeen's guidance was represented by a soldier in her vassalage.  Those vassals, demigods to their people, all fell in the Earth year 1988 to the Godkiller Scythes.  When Sarfeen died, her power dissipated and the artificial planet of Valluvinn floated apart, killing everyone who lived there.  Only one Godkiller, Atrolyx ond Jandieux, survived to bear witness to the death of an empire.

In the Earth year 2006 the six wings of a Vassal of Sarfeen emerged from the body of Earth boy Taylor Denton, for no fucking reason, spontaneously.