Nanru Toporin



5 years, 6 months ago


The Dadrarr were an emerging race, considered brutes by the spacefarers who first touched down on their wild planet.  But one Dadrarr, who was small and unaggressive, was ostracized by his tribe and eventually found his way to a Dengeli camp sent to explore the planet.  This outcast runt, Nanru Toporin, taught the colonists everything they needed to know to conquer and eradicate the Dadrarr.  Nanru watched his people burn, and turned his back on his species, eventually growing up to be a brilliant physicist.  However, amongst the educated people of Tratchure he was an oddity, the last of his kind, of a race known to be primitive and aggressive.  He remained isolated, feared, and demeaned.  There were very few people in the universe that he liked.

It was Nanru who discovered the cause of Tratchure's sudden disasters.  The universe itself was an organism slowly dying, and the only hope to survive was to escape it.  This discovery led to a universe-wide panic, with every spacefaring race trying to send its ships into Tratchure's sphincter to reach the Slugplane outside.  Nanru made sure of his own survival, and became one of the eight to make the escape and consume Tratchure's dying flesh.

In Tlaalense, Nanru found amusement in playing god.  He engineered several new species and set them loose to see what havoc they could wreak.  He would disguise himself and live amongst the Tlaalensians for years at a time to learn their ways.  He would occasionally attack the other Survivors for his own amusement (excluding Moukka Zemeraida, whom he liked) and was the one to send Rondeiga into his million year coma.  For a time he pretended to be a student at a Wek Chorth university, for fun.  There he met the outcast Suud woman Mexa Penki, with whom he grew fond of.  He encouraged her to research into the forbidden field of genetic engineering, and the two became outlaws together, mad scientists creating monsters and discovering the secrets of life.  They eventually broke up, and Nanru disappeared back into his secret godwizard life.

Prof. Penki had, secretly, managed to save a DNA sample from Nanru, hoping to figure out what his species was.  In the Earth year 1990 she succeeded in splicing some of his genetics into a chimerical mishmash of a creation that grew up to be the Earth hero Trieg Penki.  16 years later Nanru found out he had a son.