The Deepmother



5 years, 3 months ago


The Voidscuttles traveled in packs through Tratchurian space.  Most travelers paid them no mind.  They were believed to be non-sentient, non-threatening, animals and nothing more.  When Tratchure began to collapse, they seemed to know to migrate to Tratchure's sphincter, where the exit portal was.  Every other spacefarer in the universe was also headed there, and after some conflict very few individuals made it through.  One was a Voidscuttle.

The other Survivors thought her to be a mere animal, but Tratchure himself treated the Deepmother as equal to his other children and granted her one eighth of his flesh.  When the Survivors chose to settle in Tlaalense, the Deepmother followed, and scuttled out into unknown space to do...whatever.  Nobody paid attention, she's just an animal.

The Deepmother began creating pockets of what outsiders would name 'abyssal space,' unusual places where reality inverts and turns into some other, wetter plane.  Strands of abyssal space extend throughout the universe, and those who crash into them are never seen again.  It is theorized that something might be living in there, but nobody has ever made it out alive.  Many races tell fairy tales of children who wandered into the water and were turned into fish, and the places where those children supposedly vanished are often connection points to abyssal space.  Kinda weird.

Earth delinquent Sylvette Rourke found herself face to face with the Deepmother for the first time in 2005.