Ikarus's Comments

Hey, I would like to buy him for 20$ please <3

I already got the money I needed, but if you're okay offering it as a voucher, I can accept the $20 :)

Yes sure ^^ as long as I can voucher via PayPal I'm more than happy to accept

That's perfect! 

Could you purchase https://toyhou.se/16180926.krill for me?

I asked their owner ^^

It would seem like the character just sold after I asked that, so I'm sorry for wasting your time! 

I'm inquiring about the price of another character, so I'll let you know! 

I'll put this guy on hold for you^^

1 Replies

yoooo its a longshot, but would anybody from 1-800-GHOSTFACE interest you? :"0

Nope, longshot indeed. Wouldn't trade for any of 'em but there were a couple cool designs, just nfs ^