


5 years, 3 months ago


Full Name: Kendall Belmonte Garcia

AKA: Ken / K

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Human / Lycan (Were-Chupacabra)

Available AUs: Undertale / D&D / Jackalope monster / Were-Jackalope



  • Viktor Von Dedenroth (Second Cousin)
  • Dee Von Dedenroth (Second Cousin)
  • Chief (Richard Belmonte) (First cousin, once removed. Refered to as Uncle)
  • TBN (Father)
  • TBN (Mother)

Kendall is a good kid with a good heart who's life has been one big trial for him. Born in Mexico, he grew up very close to the native american side of his family, and discovered since childhood that he wasn't human. This was kept a big secret, as only his parents and one of his aunts knew about this. His aunt was the only other living lycan in his blood, and she trained him to control his power and form from an early age. While his parents loved him growing up, however, they secretly hated the fact they had given birth to a non-human, and tried their best to suppress many negative feelings about their son. 

Kendall grew up happy, however, and grew up in his native country until his family decided to move out and live in the USA. They had family and bonds who could help them move in said country, and wanted Kendall to grow up in the USA due to some internalized self hatred of their own race that can be sadly found in his native country. Kendall, however, was proud of his heritage, and proud of who he was, and had a bit of a hard time adapting to life in a different country. As soon as he was able to correctly learn the language, however, he found himself becoming a bit of a popular kid rather quickly. He was a musically talented guy, and his naturally happy and peppy personality attracted a crowd. 

In his first years of Highschool, he met a kid, Sawyer, who was bullied by some of his peers, and decided to put an end to it. Since he was familiar with the bullies, it was easy to get them to back off, and he found himself quickly becoming friends with Sawyer. In fact, they grew very close, very quickly, and became best of friends in only a couple of months. 

As they grew, Kendall soon discovered some things that would change his life forever. 1: He was gay. 2: His family was extremely homophobic. 3: He liked a kid in his music class. 4: He liked him back, and 5: Weed was easier to grow than he thought, and also quite profitable. Soon after discovering the guy liked him, they started dating. Kendall was head over heels with the guy, but as soon as their parents noticed some changes in his behavior, they correctly guessed he was seeing someone, and insisted they bring in the "lucky girl" to meet them. Luckily for Kendall, he has a female friend who was completely ace/aro, and needed to get her own parents off her back about dating. They made up a fake relationship to appease their parents, and continued with a good friendship. 

This solution didn't last long, however, as Kendall's mother did some snooping out of curiosity one day, and discovered her son's secret... And as soon as she told her husband, Kendall's world crumbled beneath him. His father was furious, and every negative feeling he had ever had for his son was unleashed. He kicked him out of the house, throwing his belongings out of he house, and disowned him on the spot. In his panic, Kendall called his boyfriend and his best friend, Cherry, to help him gather all his things and go. His boyfriend was highly dismissive of the whole situation, telling Kendall to just move out with him, since he made a lot of money from growing and selling weed. Kendall was suspicious of this, but he figured his boyfriend's roommates made paying for bills and necessities a lot easier, and he agreed to move in.

It wasn't that long after however that Kendall found himself regretting the decision. His boyfriend had turned cold, harsh, and rather abusive towards him. He was mainly emotionally abusive, but Kendall ended up finding himself in a few scenarios where the abuse had turned physical. Not knowing what to do or how to handle it, he turned for help from anyone he could, but there was little they could do to help him. That was, until someone made a bad deal, and their house was raided. To Kendall's dismay, both his boyfriend and his roommates had been making harder drugs, along with dealing more than he could have imagined. Had it not been for his "uncle" Richard, who was the Chief of Police in another city, he would have never been able to make a case for himself. He was left under what was basically house arrest under the care of Richard, who promised to help him fix everything after discovering all that Kendall had gone trough (and also had a "word" with his parents that may or may not have ended with him punching Kendall's father in the face). 

While Kendall tried to get his life back together, he began to get even closer with Cherry, and soon, he found himself having feelings for his best friend in secret... And after a year or so of Kendall being under supervision of Richard, Kendall had found more stability, a good job, and took Cherry's offer to move in with him after his house arrest was up. 


In the events of the Werewolf AU, Kendall lives with Cherry in secret. Cherry's family is always absent, with his father and brother basically living at a military base elsewhere, and the house is pretty much left alone except for Cherry. Whenever his family was around, there was little to no interaction between them, making it easy for Kendall to hide in Cherry's room while they're around. 

Together, with Kendall's job and Cherry's online gigs, the two are saving enough money to move out and live together. Living together at Cherry's place allowed them enough time alone to discover that they are pretty much madly in love with one another, and Kendall knows he would gladly spend the rest of his life next to that wonderful boy. Specially after Cherry discovered he was a lycan creature, and not only did not mind, but loved him anyway, kept his secret safe, and even helped him hunt down some prey when the full moon rose and he was forced to feed.  


Kendall also has a very close bond to some of his more distant family. Specifically Viktor and Dee Von Dedenroth, who after discovering that Viktor was turned into a werewolf, became even closer than before. Kendall, Viktor, Dee, Cherry and Gigi are very close friends, and trust one another with their whole lives. Kendall is also very close to Richard Belmonte, who became like a second father to him. One that unlike his real father, loved him and accepted him just the way he was, and would do anything in his power for him... and he'd do the same for him.