Kyomusei Kikuko



5 years, 2 months ago


Basic Info
Name Kyomusei Kikuko [虚無生 菊嬢]
Nickname Kiku
Age 18
Birthday 28 September
Height Info
Gender Female
Species Human
Origin Info
Ethnicity Japanese
Blood Type Info
Orientation Straight
Occupation Student
Status 'Dead' [4 September]
Cause of death: Suicide
Outfit Style
  • Geeky Chic, Korean Style, Casual Clothes, Brown / Black Clothes, Neutral Color Clothes, Earth Tone Color Clothes.
  • Korean, Japanese Music and Style
  • Idols, she feels idols are sparkling.
  • Fangirling & Buying their good, She is like a Tycoon "Just take my money!"
  • Reading books
  • Going to Cafe
  • Masato (FM), Vinz (FM), Kazuki (SP)
  • Her father
  • Being controlled
  • Content
  • Content
  • Kyomusei means No Life, Kikuko means Daughter of Chrysantenum. Her English name is Cressa.
  • She was created on 16 September 2017
  • Her original hair color is black, she dyed it into purple. She has straight hair.
  • She has androgynous resting bitch face, and ryouseirui voice. Her expression do soften, when she is excited about something.
  • Her action sometimes prince-like.
  • She actually likes writing and travelling, she wants to be a novelist
  • She is a Ravenclaw
  • Since she is from rich family, she was often targeted and experienced a lot of kidnapping, it makes her prepare self protection items everyday in her bag such as pocket knives, pepper spray, and stungun, she is capable enough to defend herself.
  • Her bag contains a lot of things, it feels like she is D*raemon, ready for anything in any situation.
  • Her role model in FM is Vinz
  • While she isn't a homophobic, she never thought that a gay person exist, like "HUH?! SO MALE LIKING MALE EXIST?!, I THOUGHT IT IS ONLY FEMALE AND MALE-", and then her world view is shattered.
  • Her fangirling account name is called @kkkk99
  • When she found a drawing of her favorite idol shipped with another idol, she is conflicted "This quality is so good but why my idul liking male? This is so weird!", and then she search for more art, then found fanfiction, then doujinshi, and then she never out from this hole. Congrats, you are a fujoshi Kiku!
Passionate, Sophisticated, Firm. Bold. Decisive, Resentful.

Alignment Chart: Chaotic Neutral | MBTI: -

Kikuko is a passionate fangirl, she even strategize how to sneak out from home to attend her idol concert. When she on mode off she always in poker face, only when she is excited she is smiling. She adore and envy the way idol life their fullest freely and sparkling. She likes a person who shine brightly like a sunshine, warming her heart, she will protect them. She also likes dog a lot, since they are so cheerful and loyal.

Before she found idol groups she lived as dull and obedient doll, while she is struggling and hating herself living this way, she think it is normal, since her classmate always competitive with each other because their parent demand them so too. When she found her passion, she realize this isn't the life she wanted and start rebeling againts her father slowly, while she is bold, she is quite cautious, she doesn't want everything crumbled at once.

She is smart girl since her school is an elite private school, and quite studious because her father demand so.

She hated her father with all of her heart, her hatred end up engulfing her, making her snapped and throw away his sane mind and end up choosing the most brutal way decisively.

When she liberated from her father she become more decisive about her choice, calmly analizing situation, and thinking how to survive. When she is still alive she heard rumors people who suicide goes in hell so she isn't really surprised when she end up in Flesh Maze, she choose to do suicide after all. In the end she regret quite bit choosing suicide, since she can't she her favorite idol anymore, her last attachment of her life.


Kikuko is the first miss of Kyomusei. In her whole life she was dictated and pressured by her strict father. She can't make her own choice. Frustated by this lifestyle, she does everything she can so she can make own choice, unfortunately it end up futile.

In the end she become crazy and decided to deride her father by committing suicide in front of him and witnesses. She want him to have taste of his own medicine, resenting her and pressured, judged, and led by public.

Name: Kyomusei Eito | Relationship: Half-brother

She has mixed feeling about Eito, resentful , dislike and pity him. the first time she meet him, she felt her position in the house threathened because he is male child like her father want, a successor. Then she found out the father actually treated him harshly and ignored like her, she felt a bit closer and relate to it, and start to be kind to him. But her mother mental condition got deritoriate because of Eito existence, Kikuko ends up resenting herself and Eito a lot. She still on one sided cold war with Eito even in early chapter of Flesh Maze.

Name: Kato (KrowNazc's OC) | Relationship Fangirling Friend

Kato is a fudanshi, and he likes to write fanfiction of his idol. When Kikuko found her favorite idol, Kazuki shipped with another idol, she was plunged into hellhole of shipping, from picture to fanfiction. the first fanfiction she read is Kato's work, Kikuko likes his writing a lot, and start PM him, they end up communicating each other via PM a lot. They even end up exchanging fanfic recommendation. She doesn't know his gender, and doesn't bother about it (maybe subconsciously she thought Kato is a girl). She always call Kato as Sensei.

Name Sakurano Kazuki| Relationship: Her Idol

The first time she met him is when she watch his video from youtube, she is the one who tell Kazuki about Star Pointer opening application for idol. She is mother fan of him, always protect and support him.

Name Vinz | Relationship: Role Model

She respect and idolize him, she want to be calm collected , mature like Vinz, she really happy with Vinz.

Name Suin | Relationship: Fan-Idol

She likes Suin's Model, Androgynous , She tried to copy her style she even makeover eito and his butler as a rabbit experiment, she support Suin she become sponsor and ask suin as model, she ask sign, then so on, then Suin noticed her!, ofc since she is the sponsor fan, then kiku ask request to take photo with Suin in magnet pose, in the end of photoshoot Suin ask kiku to call Suin-chan or Suin-sama, Kiku call Suin as Suinchan, Kiku is very happy that day, she got to call Suin-chan and took photograph with Suin , both of them look pretty androgynous and ambiguous in the photo, after that ofc Kiku still support SUin.(heart not edited yet)

Name Kou | Relationship: Wota Friend

She met Kou in the concert they become good friend after kiku lending her lightstick to Kou, then they become wota friend, they both stanning Kazuki and hyped together, Kiku flexing all her merch, and Kou revered Kiku of her merch, Kou want to be like Kiku too

Flesh Maze's Trial
Trial 1: Character Appsheet

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Trial 2: Homeroom

Everyone were asked to vote for the class president.

After Kikuko cutting her ring finger to vote, she end up staring at her finger pieces that has been cut off, in front of Charos, she was sad at the fact she has one less finger.

Trial 6: Benkyou / Self Study

Teamm 4: Vinzent Silverweiss, Kyoumusei Kikuko, Hayashi Masato =================================== Setelah pembagian tugas, Kiku juga memutuskan yang pergi. Kiku selang beberapa detik sebelum pergi, memersiapkan mental, malah fokusnya kesana ww Setelah di kasih aba aba Ikuzo untuk pergi ke berikutnya, baru mau pergi, tiba tiba Masato memanggil namanya. Dia jadi inget, nostalgia dikit. Setelah fokus lagi, Kiku berangkat menyelamatkan pak vinz!! --- Kalau tulisan susah dibaca ~~~~~ Kiku mengira masato yang mual seperti orang kena morning sickness, disaat yang sama dia juga melihat, kenapa badannya mulus dan halus? Masato itu manusia? 'Oh ya, kemarin dia berdarah waktu vote (manusia berarti)' Dia juga jd inget idol group, kiku ngerasa awkward krn Masato seksi www
