Tame Yosima



Pronounced: "Tuh-may Yoh-shee-mah"  Old matching icons.  Also Katarina Dokken ("Doe-ken"), her gf.

Retirement note:  The reason this character was retired (and not sold) is that she no longer suits me, but I still love her design.  Tame was what I wanted to be, a strong, independent woman with idealistic looks.  It wasn't obtainable and it hurt, deep down for many years using her as a persona.  I said a lot of stupid things all in the name of trying to be her, something I wasn't.  As well, she is part of a lot of trauma I experienced from someone I thought was my closest friend.  Don't ask me, it's private.  What I realize is that whether I was wronged or not, doesn't matter to me any longer, I let this ideal, this character dictate how I acted and treated people and it caused me a lot of shame I still deal with and have only just realized and come to terms with.  She did serve her purpose as trying to help boost my self confidence at a time I really needed it.  It wasn't a healthy thing, but it was what helped me for a short time and I appreciate the good things that did come from me designing her, such as realizing I wasn't this way.  I am happy with her design and am ready to close this chapter of my life.