Sebastian Fischer



5 years, 3 months ago


Sebastian Fischer

Called Sebastian

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 17

Race Nephilim

Role Butler

Theme Facing the Mirror

HTML Pinky


Sebastian is a quiet, somewhat shy young man who isn’t good at expressing himself. He gets startled easy and is chronically nervous, especially around strangers. He can be a little clumsy and tends to run from his problems, but he isn’t a bad guy.

Under all the anxiety, he’s actually quite intelligent. He was well trained and well educated, and those things shine through when he’s working. Around his mistress, all that trembling nervousness melts and he turns into a cool, confident butler who always knows just what to do.


Height 5’5

Build Scrawny and lanky

Eyes Magenta

Skin Tone White

Hair Color Cyan

Hair Style Wavy hair, tied into a small braid

Demeanor Poised and elegant


  • Sebastian typically wears business-casual to semi-formal wear even in his off time. Just makes him most comfortable.
  • He wears glasses,though he doesn’t actually need them. He only does because Elizabeth insisted it made him look more “butler-y”
  • He does not like to pull his wings out, for fear of drawing too much attention to himself.
  • He is aware of his shortness compared to others his age, but it doesn’t really bother him.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

On his own, Sebastian is a shy, anxious boy who can’t speak up for himself. He’s not good at being in the center of attention and avoids it as much as possible. Staying on the sidelines is where he is most comfortable and confident. He has a pure heart and a strong sense of responsibility, though some would say that's just the angel in him. He likes being of service to others, though mostly from the shadows, without those he’s helping knowing he was involved at all. It’s only around his master that he truly opens up, only so he can set a good example for her.



Humans' understanding of the world around them and how to use the materials given to them, all without the use of magic fascinates Sebastian. He loves learning about it, even if it’s not very applicable to his daily life.


A clean house is a welcoming house, as he always says. He isn’t particularly fond of cleaning himself but if he doesn’t do it then it doesn’t get done the way he likes so.. It’s his burden to bear.

Hot chocolate

Sebastian is fond of any warm drink, but he has a special love for hot chocolate. It was one of the first things given to him by his new family.

Stained glass

Something about colored glass intricately forming beautiful pictures in a window has always attracted Sebastian. He isn’t artistic enough to do it himself, but he’d like to go see some in person someday.



Sebastian feels uncomfortable dealing with creatures he can’t understand. He doesn’t hate animals, but he feels slightly afraid of them. Not something he is used to seeing or being around before going to earth.


Really, anything sweet and overly sticky. Too many times has he had to clean up sticky messes


He doesn’t have any specific traumas with blood or anything, just seeing it makes him woozy. Hemophobic, you could say.


Sebastian spends a lot of time chasing after his carefree mistress, and the mess she leaves in her wake is a lot to diesel with. Sebastian longs for a dull, monotonous job. Things that are unpredictable make him anxious.



Sebastian was born under… difficult circumstances. During the war, his mother (a demon) was sexually assaulted by an angel soldier staying in her village. The attack took a major toll on his mother’s mental health, but despite this she wanted to have the child. Things were good at first, Sebastian was loved and well cared for by his mother. He wasn’t allowed outside much but he was just happy to be with his mother. But the older he got, the more distant his mother felt. Perhaps she saw her attacker in him, or maybe she was just faking the entire time, but his mother started to decline sometime after his wings began to grow in. She was never abusive towards Sebastian, but as he grew, and his angelic features became more prominent, she became more and more unstable. Sebastian tried to grow up quickly to take care of his mother, but it grew more and more difficult the worse her mind got. Sebastian's mother ended up taking her own life when he was about 7 years old.


Sebastian tried to stay in his mother’s house without causing trouble, but the rest of the villagers were uncomfortable with a nephilim staying when angels had caused so much pain for them in the past. He left the village with only the clothes on his back and for the first time, really got a good look at the world around him. Dirty and cold were the only words he could use to describe it.

Like the village he came from, most demons were unwelcoming to his kind. Not a demon, but not an angel either. No one could trust him. Some fallen angels took pity on him, but being in a difficult position themselves, none of them could really spare the resources to help him. Despite being intelligent and a fast learner, he struggled to find anywhere he could be without getting chased off by some demon afraid of him. He ended up getting taken in by a “shelter” for abandoned angel children in the capitol. Though described as a shelter, it was a zoo for rich folk to come in and gawk at the strange and dirty children left behind by the war they had no part in. Nobles came in to judge them, and take home the ones they wanted to keep as pets. They were put on display and their talents read out as if they were animals. Being shown off like that frightened Sebastian, who before this was hardly ever noticed. When the time was right, he escaped into the streets.

A Chance

One day while hiding away in the dark alleys from the shelter workers, Sebastian was approached by a noble demon, who extended his hand to him. Sebastian was hesitant, but took the hand and followed the man to his home. The man introduced himself as Marquis Fischer, and asked Sebastian if he would work for him. Sebastian was startled that such an important man would want him of all the talented demons and angels in the city, but the Marquis explained he had witnessed his intelligence first hand at the shelter and wanted his quick thinking and critical problem solving skills to rub off on his daughter. He wanted to raise her to be calm, smart and without prejudice; a true leader, as he intended her to become someday. All those traits he saw in Sebastian. He explained the work wouldn’t be easy, and he wouldn’t receive much payment but he could stay at the manor with them and never worry about food again. Though Sebastian wasn’t sure he could live up to the expectations of a Marquis, he decided to try.

He has now been with the Fisher family for 7 years, and adjusted very well to his role as the care-taker of the Fisher’s daughter, Elizabeth. She is a spoiled girl who thinks with her heart more than her head. She does what she pleases, much to the dismay of Sebastian. Despite this, the two are quite close and work together well. More like siblings than master and servant. Elizabeth’s latest whim, a crush on an older boy she ran into in the capitol, has them traveling often to earth to visit him and his friends. Though these trips were exhausting at first, he has since found his own reason for wanting to visit the strange world. A nephilim, just like him, is living a happy life on earth. Surrounded by both demon and angel friends that adore her. Sebastian respects her, and finds himself drawn to her much like the others in her circle. Though he knows he’s just a servant, he still longs to befriend her.





Elizabeth Fischer


The girl he has devoted his life to, and practically his sister. Although she’s a tad immature and snobbish, Sebastian is sure it’s just a front to hide her more sensitive and kind heart. He is sure in a few years, she will make a strong Marquise.


Lady Tsukiko

The Ideal

The missing angel princess, and a nephilim just like Sebastian. Despite this, she is bright and elegant. Beautiful and strong, he respects her immensely. He wants to get to know her better- get closer. But his lack of confidence keeps him from her.


Takashi Ito


The guy that was hired to do the job with Takashi and his brother. An obnoxious guy that likes to mess around too much and never takes anything seriously. He is rude and uncaring, and Takashi can’t really stand him. Still though, they must work together.