Florin Lupei



5 years, 3 months ago


Florin Lupei

Called Florin

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 20

Race Fallen Angel

Role Vampire

Theme The Wolf

HTML Pinky


Florin is a strange and mysterious man the others know very little about. He seems to appear and disappear on a whim, and never likes to stay in one place for too long. He always has a dangerous aura around him, and there's always a lingering scent of blood on him.

Where he came from, and what his objective is, no one can even guess. Villain or ally, Florin doesn’t really seem to care one way or another. All that seems to matter to him is what his next meal is going to be.


Height 5’10”

Build Lean muscle

Eyes Blood red

Skin Tone Tan

Hair Color Dark brown

Hair Style short hair with long bangs that hang in his face

Demeanor Dark and Mischievous


  • He wears dark clothing, of the “gothic” type. Nothing too ornate, just stuff that blends into the night.
  • He has eyes that glow slightly in the dark, a trait that isn’t shared by other angels.
  • He has sharpened fangs that peak out when he smiles. According to him, they’re natural.
  • His curse is located on the left side of his torso, near his stomach.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Florin is the type of guy to never say what he truly means. He’s always talking vaguely and laughing at those who appear confused by his antics. He doesn’t really like involving himself with others, so he tends to act in ways to intentionally drive people away. He puts himself before others and does whatever he wants whenever he wants. There may be a small part of him that hates the isolation he’s created for himself, but he would never admit that.



Florin is a simple man. Women are beautiful, smell good, and have soft skin he can sink his teeth into.


The thrill of the chase is all part of the fun, and makes the meal that much more tasty.


From the deep color, to the sharp taste, it’s one of Florin’s favorite things.


Something he could never see in heaven, the bright lights in the dark night sky bring him a bit of peace.



Florin’s eyes are particularly sensitive to light, especially sunlight. It’s hot and too bright, he prefers to skulk around at night.


Florin’s life has been a hectic one to say the least. As such, downtime when he can think about it all is something he prefers to avoid. He likes to keep things exciting.


He has a particularly sensitive tongue, so anything with too much spice or salt in it is too much for him to handle. He much prefers sweet-flavored things.


Being a being that mostly spends his time outside, being stuck in the rain is one of the worst things he can imagine.



Florin was born in a remote part of heaven, a place where other angels were scarce. The village he was born to was made up entirely of fallen angels, and he was no exception. It was a fairly peaceful village, most conflicts being resolved by talking to one another rationally. Their life was so normal, it was strange they insisted on living so far from others. As a child, Florin wondered why exactly they were stranded so far from others of their kind. Even if they were fallen, wasn’t there a way to redeem themselves and regain their angel status? When Florin brought these concerns up with the others though, they usually just laughed and told him to wait. He would understand in time.

There was one aspect of his village he didn’t quite understand. Every year, the adults and older children would gather in an otherwise unused building and stay there all night. Whenever asked about what they were doing, the ones who went brushed the questions off. Finally, when Florin turned 10 years old, he was allowed to participate.

The Ritual

One thing Florin did understand about his clan was that they hated humans. From an early age, Florin was taught that humans were dirty, and undeserving of God’s love. While God may have chosen the humans over them, angels were still superior. Humans, although loved more by God, could not always see God’s love and frequently sinned. They disobeyed Him and lived their life freely, something angels could never do. Florin wasn’t sure he quite agreed with the elder’s feelings, but it was something he never tried to fight.

Thus, when it was time, Florin gathered in the building along with all the others that were old enough to be there. And finally, Florin understood everything. Inside the building lay a deceased human’s body. The clan’s leader cut the body into neat pieces, and the flesh was divided evenly among those attending the ritual. Florin was nervous about eating it at first. This was the body of a person- someone that realistically wasn’t all that different from them. Still though, he consumed his piece with the rest of the clan… And it was the most delicious thing he ever ate.

Descend into Madness

Once experiencing his first ritual, it became Florin’s favorite time of the year. The taste of humans was unlike anything he’d ever tasted before, and he couldn’t get enough. He quickly noticed though that he was the only one who felt this way. Everyone else only did what they “had to” to prove their superiority. Prove to themselves that humans were nothing more than their flesh and could do nothing for God with their weakness. It was only Florin that actually enjoyed the ritual. He knew he had to hide these feelings, but it got harder and harder every year to contain himself. Hh longed for humans. More than once a year, he needed more.

It was around his 15th birthday that Florin started sneaking down to earth to hunt humans. He only meant to do it once, just to get the urge out of his system, but once he did it one time the temptation to do it again only rose. So again he did it. And again. And again. After a short time, he was making regular visits to earth for humans. Once his clan found out, they called him a monster and exiled him. While Florin didn’t really think what he was doing was any worse than what they did, he wasn’t too sad to leave. Now he had more time and freedom to do as he pleased. No longer did he have to hide himself. So he decided to stay on earth. Move around, taste all sorts of humans he never got the chance to try before. Since then, he’s been traveling all around earth. For now, he lingers around a college campus to hunt the local girls.






Amusing angel

A nephilim that attends the college he’s currently hunting at. She caught him in the act, but has yet to tell anyone about him. She’s afraid of him, yet lectures him every chance she gets. She’s very different from other angels he’s known, and he finds her very fun to tease.


Takeru Honda

The king’s lackey

Tsukiko’s guard dog and loyal servant of the king of angels. There's few angels that don’t know of his status, but that doesn’t make him any less annoying to deal with. Florin finds him to be a nuisance- getting in the way every time he wants to talk to Tsukiko. If it weren’t for her attachment to him, Florin probably would have killed him a while ago.


Miku Lovecraft

Kindred spirit

A demon that’s been lingering around Tsukiko for a while. He is very similar to Florin, “hunting” women and feeding off of them… though how he goes about it is pretty different. They’re both flirts with interests in the same girl. If it weren’t for that fact, they probably could have been friends.