


5 years, 3 months ago


"Have you done anything to me directly to make me believe that? No? Then don't worry about it. Nowadays, people get so hung up on fake gossip and wild rumours instead of getting to know the people in the rumours and gossip themselves." 

Name: Raven 

Age: 17

Birthday: May 19th 

Height: 5'6

Pronouns: He/Him

Physical description: Raven is lean and slim. His skin is clear and smooth, and his eyes are a golden brown. His hair is short and choppy and flared up in the back.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Fears/phobias: Heights

"Ah! Your eyes are so pretty :D"

Raven can be a bit of a flirt, but he doesn't really know he's doing it. He's friendly and kind, and always tries to find the best in people. He doesn't really hate anybody until they give him a direct reason to, so rumours and the like don't really have any meaning to him. He finds joy in simple things, and likes meeting new people. But when Raven gets petty, he gets petty. He can hold a mean grudge, and once he dislikes you, it's hard to make him like you again. He also cries when he's overwhelmed.


- Raven likes watching clouds roll by, watching sunrises/sunsets, quiet parks, swings, quiet parks WITH swings, laying in fields, listening to rain fall, peaceful activities in general, making new friends, and scorpions
- Raven dislikes his grandparents, high places, spicy foods, his house, pineapples, and being lonely 

Raven comes from a rich family. His parents were nice people; they undoubtedly loved him, but they couldn’t always show it. His parents had to work a lot, his father and mother having to go out of town for business often. And so, his mother and father agreed they needed someone to watch over their son; she asked her own parents to live at their mansion and care for Raven when they couldn’t.
His grandparents agreed.
What his parents didn’t know, though, was that he would’ve been better off without them.
Whenever his parents were gone, his grandpa would starve him, neglect him, and sometimes beat him. He always made sure to make it early enough so the bruises would heal before his parents got home next. His grandmother did nothing; not that she had a choice, though. He’d heard their screaming matches in from the kitchen plenty of times. He was scared to tell his parents; his grandpa had threatened his life before.
Raven basically learned to raise himself, and once he was old enough, spent his time outside, finding ways to enjoy himself, out of reach of his grandpa. 

"Usually people should feel comfortable in their own house, but I'm not."