


5 years, 3 months ago


She part of clock kids

Young friend of Dawn and Izzar’s younger sister. A few years the duo’s junior, she showed no less potential in her ability to wield a keyblade, but rather showed a lack of interest for some time. Despite this, she was fascinated with the stories of keybalde wielders themselves. However, upon the destruction of her homeworld of Temporal Arcadia, the corruption of Dawn and the death of her brother’s master, Twii and her companions were forced to flee and find safety elsewhere. Not long after this escape, Twii caught Dawn trying to flee, but was able to stop and talk to the woman for a moment. The older girl assured the younger than everything would be alright, and, in a moment of some sort of reflex, bequeathed her key blade to the younger girl, claiming somehow it just felt right. Upon learning of this, Izzar left Twii in Xin’s care, a trusted friend, and went to search for Dawn. Upon learning that Twii had inherited Dawn’s keyblade, Xin took Twii with her to the Land of Departure to train the girl in safety. Twii was unaware, however, that Xin meant to use her as she had used Dawn to attempt to find a balance between the light and the dark. Unlike Dawn, Twii found success in this balance, and was unswayed by either force, holding her ground in “the in-between”. After having to Flee the Land of Departure as she had fled her home, Xin continued Twii’s training for some time before finding her ready to follow in her brother’s footsteps, ready to see the girl’s potential brought to it’s fullest and to see her bring her brother and friend home


As vibrant in personality as she is in appearance, Twii is a very well meaning and compassionate young woman. Known for her curiosity and observational skills, little is able to escape Twii's notice. this makes her very good at examining and reading others. due to her time spent under Xin's tutelage, Twii can sometimes come off as somewhat reserved due to her fears of angering Xin along with the reservations she holds that were caused by the loss of her home and friends, though this is something she comes to grow out of and resume her very outgoing and friendly nature. She tends to be very optimistic and almost blindly idealistic at times, though begins to have to accept that there are some that just can't be saved. Also due to xin's teaching, Twii tends to be very ambiguous in her actions and tends to be very open minded. She believes heavily in balance, something that applies heavily to her own abilities, believing there is no light without the dark and vise versa and also believing this shouldn't be an issue provided one can control themselves just as she and? Xin are able to do. She aims to teach others to find this balance one day in hopes of bringing her home back. This belief also helps her to get on well with others, never able to judge anyone based purely on characteristic, taking into account deeper issues in order to form her judgement. Despite her beliefs, Xin can often have a hard time finding a place for herself, often acknowledging that she is very different from those around her, unsure of her place in the universe. Despite this, she continually strives to be the best she can be fore herself and those she continues to fight for.

Rough Plotish Outline

-Took to being able to use a keyblade rather quickly

-Was taken to the Land of Departure for a time by Xin, formed some level of a bond for a time with the wayfinder Trio before becoming separated once more

-Found her new home with Xin in Radiant Garden for a time

-The pair were separated after Radiant Garden fell to darkness, and Twii was forced to find her own way. Found refuge in Twilight Town

-She was happy for a while but began to fear the safety she had come to known, as it had never remained for her. she also knew that safety would keep her from succeeding in her mission to find her brother and friend

-Eventually decided to leave, and was able to find some level of help in the form of Yen Sid, who was able to give her some level of guidance as to where to start searching for the two

-Bounced around worlds a lot

-Was able to eventually track down Dawn, and spent a great deal of time chasing after her. Also eventually learned that Izzar had fallen into a sleep on their previous homeworld. Was able to rally Dawn into helping her recover her brother, though Dawn did not stick around for the reunion (KH1)

-Continued to spend a time searching for Dawn with Izar. The pair were eventually able to save her (KH2)

-After Recovering Dawn, Twii and the others set out to recover their homeworld and restore their places, as well as discover the truth of all that had happenbed, determined to track Xin down once more (KH3)

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