Xico (Poppy) (Human)



BUILD"Soft Fit", 158cm
ORIGINSSouth America


He is an old character so instead of revamping his personality entirely, I made those no longer fitting characteristics part of his past. 

Early Life

Xico was a happy-go-lucky kid with an incredible need to be noticed and validated.  He would often do humiliating things in order to be accepted, and built up lies as an attempt to buy friendships.

He had this dream of becoming an athlete, with promising speed and determination. Thanks to the school help he joined an institution to help him build his dream, but he being the only poor kid there "for free" with little to no background knowledge to back him up made him an outcast. Bullied both in school and in training, Xico's personality started to grim, and the need for money started to knock on is door early on.

In order to survive, Xico pulled a big twist in his life, personality and status. He was alone and he needed money, and all the discrimination made him accept he was trash and a bright future wasnt for him. If others said he was such a shitty person then he started to give them a reason to spread those rumours. If others liked to say he was promiscuous from looking feminine then he started to use this at his favour. He became a selfish, bitter, manipulative person, who soon would be a part of the bullies who haunted his life for so long. "Poppy", a nickname given to make fun of him due to his looks and effeminate behaviours, was now used by him with a distorted sense of pride.


Poppy used his manipulation tactics and looks to scale to a very respected position among his group. The once school bullies matured to be a gang of criminals. They would steal jewels, phones, purses and once they started to sell poison the money started to come in big. They were getting in a way with no return, but poppy had long lost any future hopes anyway.

He did get a hint though. After robbing a mailman, the guy followed him through the streets and they got in a fight.

"You wanna try to rob me, who knows these streets like the palm of my hand? How old are you? Whats your name?
Listen, Xico. You will go to this place. You tell them I sent you there. If I do not hear about a new recruit, I got bad news for you - I know more than streets."

Though the opportunity was honest, it arrived a way too late. Poppy and his gang were arrested. He lost contact with all his boys, each sent to a different jail. And poppy was incarcerated in another city. He got 5 years that could be reduced to 4 depending on his behaviour.


After a while inprisioned, poppy stopped counting how long he was in and started counting down until he was out. Surely prisions arent no private resorts, but being there changed poppy. He was looking after something for the first time in a good while. He spent a good time reading, dealing with all sorts of people, be it for the worst or the "half decent".

Leaving prision was a harsh transition, resisting the temptation to go back was shit, getting his life together was harder than it ever was, but his bitterness and anger slowly dissiped while still imprisoned. Not that he was a cheerful person now, he just felt "tamed and empty".

He moved to the north, and got a job as a mailman. At his 30s he can truly say hes crawling out of a pit he dug for himself. He is now in a new place where no one knows him, what he did or what he used to be and he values that very much, everyday working to be the kind of person he wants to be despise all this void and indifference he feels inside. He knows it will go away someday, and hes "close to happy" about it.


 When younger, poppy would be a bitter and manipulative person with little to no empathy towards others. He lies to get what he wants, he pretends to be friends with his goals in mind and cuts people off without any remorse once things get too close as he fears intimacy.

 Young poppy is very problematic and a toxic person, intentionally hurting others to feel like he is in control of something.

 As an adult the bitterness goes away, leaving a big void in his life. Instead of being manipulative he becomes more of a persuasive person, and though empathy persists as a problem, he doesn't need to be a jerk because of this. He is very introverted and hard to reach, but not a bad person. Quite the opposite, he has a gentle and caring core, its just hard for him to open up and until you reach that core he wont really care if you give up or nah.

 Hes a very sassy person and loves pranks. Sometimes his jokes go to far and his honesty can be unnecessarily blunt, but as an adult he learns to accept and learn with his mistakes. Adult poppy puts great emphasis in the well being of others, consent and what his actions will do to others, hes just a bit bad with his calculations sometimes. He still can get aggressive/defensive when confronted though.

 Adult poppy realised that many of his behaviours arent healthy and does what he can to change it, probably with professional help. His biggest struggle is accepting that his life is "good" now and good things are happening to him. When happy poppy feels guilty, wondering if he truly deserves it, so he used to ruin and run away from those situations. He is trying to face his fear of vulnerability face on though, even if awkwardly.


Remmy is his best friend. They share a similar background (on the sense of moving far away from home and leaving the past behind) and live close to each other. Their friendship started because Remmy pushed himself into Poppy's life and Poppy just kind of rolled with it. Remmy helped poppy accept his feelings - or better, accept that he has feelings. They have a very intimate friendship, nothing sexual or romantic.
Yuca was once a pad mate of poppy. They became friends in jail but lost contact for years after a transfer. It was a pleasant surprise to see her again (and on the hrt she dreamt so much of) and theyre hanging out to catch up with the times and crack innapropiate jokes. 
Poppy wanted Marcel to be a casual thing but he 100% fooled himself and now hes a big gay for him. Hes not sure what kind of relationship this is anymore but he is doing his best to accept what he feels and not run away from intimacy.
His pet. Theyre a big coward who entered his apartment once and kept on visiting so poppy guesses thats how people gets cats and he has a pet cat now.