


5 years, 3 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Kara
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Performer
    • Religion N/A
    • Handedness Left handed
    • Age One hundred
    • Species Dragon


    Shikara is a Draconic Hybrid. Because of this, she has draconic features despite her more humanoid appearance. Antler-like horns come from the top of her head and her hair is white with red streaks. It goes down to her waist, half of it done up in two buns upon her head, held in place by braids. Fluffy animal ears are in place of regular ears and while she may not have wings, she does have a long, scaly dragon tail. The top and tip are layered in barbs, which are poisonous and can be removed similar to how a hedgehogs works. She often wears a cute red dress, the bottom layered in pink frills. Around the waist, it has a more corset design, a yellow and orange floral pattern with lace down the centre, grey showing underneath. Just below the bust, a yellow ribbon sits. At the back, strips of ribbon come from it, which wraps around her arms and hangs down, fancy red emblems dangling from two ends. She also wears grey gloves and thigh high socks with golden boots. The toe is black. She also has a gold choker necklace. On top of her outfit, she has a layered grey cape, the part sitting on her shoulders is made from fluffy, black and white faux fur.


    • BUILD Curvy

    • FOOD Curry
    • COLOUR Yellow
    • ANIMAL Mountain goats
    • SETTING The lit up stage
    • WEATHER Cold/Snowy
    • DRINK Iced drinks
    • NUMBER Eight
    • GENRE Action/Adventure
    • ACTIVITY Performing for a crowd
    • TIME OF DAY Night time


    • Song and dance
    • The cold
    • When people all get along


    • Drama and violence
    • Being alone
    • When people are sad/hurt


    • Dancing
    • Singing
    • Helping people

    Shikara is an uplifting, positive thinker who just wants everyone to all get along. She is always ready to help, even if that means neglecting her own needs. People see her as a selfless, kind soul, who is, at times, a little clumsy. She wants to one day be a famous dancer, bringing joy to others, but while she tries to be as positive as she can, it can be hard, especially because she tends to trip over her own two feet. She struggles to shake off her own self doubt, so tries to focus on other things, like making people happy. After her fathers accident, she focused all her time towards working and making a living. Despite her positive attitude, she fears losing him and being alone.


    • Positive thinker
    • Always ready to help
    • Strong resistance to heat and cold


    • Too selfless
    • Clumsy
    • Doubts her own abilities


    Shikara aspires to become a famous dancer. She just loves performing and wants it to become her full time job. There are, however, things that tend to get in the way of living her dream. She suffers from her self doubt and although she has a positive outlook on most things, she just cannot help but feel as though she is not good enough. She also has two left feet and is trying to overcome her clumsiness. It does not affect her dancing too much, but she has been known to stumble from time to time. After her father ended up in a coma, she stopped dancing and chose to focus on making money and surviving. Now, she just wishes for him to wake up so she can spend time with her father again.


    • Losing her father
    • Never being good enough


    • Hums to herself
    • Taps her foot when standing idle


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Positive and uplifting
    • COMMON STARTER “Hi there, can I help you with anything?”
    • SWEARS? Never
    • QUIRKS Likes to emphasis her works and pauses for impact
  • Species

    [ Dragon ] There are several variations of Dragons across the universe. On many planets, this species are few in numbers, but some, they populate and thrive. On some worlds, these mighty beasts come in many different kinds. There are ones that can grow to be larger than houses with armour like scales and powerful wings. Their usual meal consists of deer or even animals of a bigger size. The smaller varieties often prefer gemstones. There tiniest of them all are the few that rather eat bugs. The rarest kinds have the ability to change their form into that of a human. Most dragons are similar to that of a lizard, but they have strong scales and large wings, able to fly very long distances and battle the strongest of winds. The female are usually larger in size and are tasked with bringing home food, while the males often babysit the young ones. The babies stay with their parents until they are old enough to take on the skies. Most Dragons have the power of the elements, being able to breathe fire or ice to some degree. There is a few out there that also have a more unique ability that is all their own. It is said that the blood of a Dragon has magical properties, making it a rare item in the black market. Supposedly, if it is used right, it could make humans live as long as they do. They can live to be thousands of years old because they age much slower than people.


    [ Draconic Hybrid ] The Draconic Hybrid is one of the rarest dragon types, so rare in fact, they were once thought of as nothing but a mere myth. They appear mostly human, yet always symbolise a dragon in some shape or form. Some can shapeshift into dragons, while others have some sort of reptile/dragon features. These species of dragon cannot live in the ocean and are only able to fly if they have wings or a dragon form. Most of the time, however, they remain grounded. The Draconic Hybrid has a mixed diet. While they eat fruit and vegetables, they also eat human food and sometimes even raw meat. This depends on the breed, however.


    Shikara is a rare Draconic Hybrid, which means she has the ability to change her form, giving her two main appearances, a full dragon or a humanoid with draconic features. Because of what she is, she can speak and understand the language of dragons. She also has a lot of knowledge of the past and everything else around her due to her long lifespan. She is incredibly strong but also graceful. While Shikara is extremely beautiful and delicate looking, she is actually quite deadly as well. Her dragon-like tail has barbed spikes which trail down the top. These barbs are one of her greatest weapons and act similar to a hedgehogs spikes. They are removable, but are laced with poison, so they can kill if they pierce someone’s skin. She also possesses wind magic and can even freeze things by a mere touch.

  • History

    Shikara was a spirited young dragon who grew up surrounded by music. For most of her life, she lived with her father in Harmony City. They would often watch performances put on by the three Deity sisters who all resided in close proximity to each other. Shikara’s favourite was dancing, so looked up to Grace the most. She wanted to become a dancer just as beautiful and elegant as she was. One day, however, the trio broke up their band and stopped performing together. This broke the hearts of the small dragon family, but there was nothing they could do to help. Instead, they continued to live their lives in Harmony City, as the Goddess who ran the place continued to put on solo performances for her citizens every now and again. When Shikara grew older, fate took a cruel turn. Her father had a near fatel accident at his job as a construction worker, ending up in a coma. He has yet to wake up, meaning for three years, she has been living alone, trying to survive of her minimal salary. Her dream of becoming a dancer was put on the back burner, since she felt as though she was not good enough to perform in front of others and it was more important for her to keep herself afloat with whatever jobs she could obtain. For three whole years, all she has done is work, but one day, she hopes to get back to doing what she loves, with her father once more.

    Birthplace/Current Residence

    Shikara has lived with her father in Harmony City her entire life. This place is located on the Land of Rhythm and is a unique city with buildings that are designed to somehow reflect sound all around the entire place. This area is owned by, and home to, Harmony, the Goddess of Resonance, the supposed strongest out of her triplet sisters, Melody, the Goddess of Sound, and Grace, the Goddess of Elegance. The three constantly pick on and bully one another, despite being strongest when working together. They used to get along, however, even creating a band together. Harmony was the singer, with Grace being the dancer, and Melody being the musician. While the theatre Grace owned was where they performed, the equipment provided was created here, but they have since broken up the band and now reside in their own places, having little to do with their other sisters. Shikara remembers a time when these sisters used to get along and wishes for things to return to normal, as she loved their performances growing up.

  • Ancestry

    • Shikara comes from a long line of dragons
    • Her mother disappeared from her life when she was just a young child
    • Her father is a worker who assisted in the construction of a few important Arcturus structures


    • Shikara has two left feet and is trying to overcome this so she can live her dream as a dancer
    • She has written a few songs, but thinks they are bad and cheesy so does not want anyone to see them


    • Her father has been in a coma for three years after a near fatal accident
    • Draconic Hybrids are not a cross between humans and dragons, they are merely a rare breed of humanoid dragons, some of which can shapeshift
    • Shikara’s dragon form is an Oriental Dragon