Rory Lawman



5 years, 2 months ago



  • He has a stick'n'poke rune tatto over his left pec
  • His full name is Arouris Reial Allegri
  • Rory became a lawyer to defend those who couldn't defend themselves
  • He's picked up some of Milos' advocacy for Lost Variants


 NAME   Rory
 VARIANT   Storm
 GENDER   Male, he/him 
 LENGTH (IN TRUE)   600ft
 AGE   2,630 (26-ish) 
 SPECIES     Vindura 
 OCCUPATION   Defence Attorney 
 BLOOD COLOUR   Deep Indigo
 THEME  Spotify

As a full storm variant, Rory gets the whole deal. He is able to create full storms, manipulate and create lightning, and create dangerously loud thunder. He can do all of these at once, or pick and choose. Often, he uses thunder to increase the sound of his roar and make it more fearsome. Usually his lightning abilities are reserved for getting flashes of light in dark areas where he can't see. Often, when consciously fighting, his lightning crackles around his fists and he sends it out in shockwaves at his opponents. Sometimes to destress, Rory will create small palm sized storms in his hands.  

Arouris Reial Allegri, more commonly known as Rory Lawman, is a defence lawyer located in Ehsenia. He’s often described as cold, grouchy and distant, especially by his coworkers. He has a terrible coffee addiction, due to late nights and early mornings, making sure his clients get the best possible defence they can get.

Rory has experienced a lot of judgement and pressure from his biological family. From the day he was born, he was expected to go into the Vindura Guard. He quickly rejected this idea, wanting to do something else with his life. Especially when he met Ursula in primary school, who quickly became his best friend.

With both their families being wealthy, they grew up in the same area, so Rory was frequently over at Ursula’s home, where he became very close with her family.

As they got older, he spent more and more time there, favouring it over his own home, where his parents berated him for spending time with a family of ‘filthy sneaks’ and ‘thieves waiting to rob them’. He hated this, and it only made him push back further. Due to other members in the family, they had extra distrust for any descendants of Ko, and believed Ursula would turn Rory into a criminal, much like it did his cousin, ‘Greaser’. This was around the time he had a bedroom set up for him at Ursula’s home, where he’d frequently sneak out and sleep so he could just relax. His parents were adamant about him becoming a member of the Guard still, but after how they treated Ursula’s family, he realised he wanted to become a lawyer. He wanted to defend them if anything happened.

There was a brief period for a few weeks, where Ursula and Rory started dating. Ursula was his first kiss. The relationship felt awkward and uncomfortable, so they quickly went back to just being best friends. It never affected anything about their bond.

When Ursula joined the Vindura Guard and Rory began learning to become a lawyer, they began to drift apart, and completely fell out of contact once they both started working. Rory never stopped thinking about Ursula and her family. And when they accidentally reconnected after a legal case years later, it was like no time had passed at all. They immediately went back to being the same old feral friends.

During his child and adolescent years, Milos made a giant impression on Rory. His constant advocating for the lost variants rubbed off on him and now Rory donates to charity when he can. He is fairly open about his support.

These days, as an adult, he frequents a bar in Ehsenia where his crush, Tinado, owns and works. He comes there most days after work, especially when it’s been a rough day. He enjoys spending time with TInado, even if he’s too nervous to tell him his feelings. .


Best Friend

Ursula is Rory's childhood best friend who he met in primary school. He spent much of his childhood and teen years in her family home, and considered them his real family. He used them as a getaway from his overly strict family. These two spent many years together, hanging out and playfighting together, honing their skills. They don't see each other as much as they used to now with their separate jobs in different cities, but they still trust each other with their lives.



Rory met Tinado at his bar after a particularly rough case. He became a frequent flier at his bar and gradually became infatuated with him, spending more time with him. He's too scared to admit his feelings, though Ursula knows all about it.



There are no words to explain the extent with which Rory hates Nick. The feeling is mutual, too. Rory calls Nick names and Nick gets on his nerves, constantly provoking him in and out of the workplace, especially using Tinado as a stabbing point. Rory would not shed a tear if he died.

Rory met Nick in school, while Nick was returning for a mandatory refresher. They did not get along, then when Rory graduated and demolished one of the cases Nick had been working hard on, that crossed the line. They’ve never had a good interaction since. Rory tends to refer to him as Nick-otine or when he’s especially mad, Stage 3 Lung Cancer.



Greaser is Rory's criminal cousin. He gets on Rory's nerves a lot and likes to provoke him until he snaps and fights him. Then turns around and begs Rory to bail him out of jail when he gets thrown in. He always insists on trying to make Rory represent him at his trials and hearings. Rory doesn't like him. He's why Rory's parents don't trust Ursula and her family.


Father figure

Milos is Ursula's father and a famous movie actor. He and his wife immediately took Rory in when him and Ursula became friends. They let him into their house at any time, even making him up his own room where he could stay. He values Milos' opinion more than his own biological father. He took on some of Milos' passion for lost variant freedom and equality and is fairly outspoken about it. He values a lot of Milos' values and morals, and adopted many of them.
Sometimes Rory uses their last name as his own.



Micah is one of Rory's clients. When Micah was in a tough spot with business,Rory was there to defend him and get him a minimal sentence.

Astra Lunali


LRory knows Astra through Ursula back while they were studying in school. Rory still sometimes sees Astra during court cases and trials. He has a good relationship with Astra and they get along well.


  • His job
  • Tinado
  • heavy rock music
  • Drinking


  • Nick
  • His parents
  • injustice
  • Nick (again)