Itchi Kitamura



5 years, 6 months ago


Itchi Kitamura

Called Itchi

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 23

Race Kitsune

Role Conman

Theme Money

HTML Pinky


Itchi is a cold, calculating, money focused man. Nothing matters more than getting his hands on more cash- from doing odd jobs to getting bounties, no job isn’t worth the money it pays. At least, not to Itchi.

He’s an ambitious man, not afraid to take risks. He’s an excellent businessman with many connections, but few ever see the real ‘him’. Depending on who you ask, some would say it’s better that way.


Height 5’10”

Build Muscular, but on the thin side.

Eyes Deep red

Skin Tone Very pale

Hair Color Soft white

Hair Style Slightly curly hair, always tied into a high ponytail.

Demeanor Relaxed and confident


  • He prefers wearing modern style japanese clothing, like kimonos on top of streetwear. He’s very stylish.
  • He has fox ears and a tail that he can summon and put away on demand, though he usually prefers to hide them if he can.
  • In his demon form, his hair grows long, dividing into 3 low sections tied at the end. He grows sharp claws and his normally small tail grows to about the same size as he is.
  • His curse is located on his chest, on his left pectoral.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Itchi is a dual natured type of guy, someone who can adapt himself to be what the situation needs. He’s very good at reading the room and a quick thinker and problem solver. He’s a very intelligent man who is held back by his incessant need for money and cocky attitude. He’s good at making business connections and selling to customers, but when it comes to his personal life he’s smug and arrogant. He sees no need for friends or close allies so why bother trying to please people that don’t pay him?



People will cheat you, lie and betray you, and abandon you when they’re done. Money is reliable. It feeds you and keeps a roof over your head. The more of it you have, the more secure you are. Whats wrong with wanting security?

Paper lanterns

Itchi doesn’t have a lot of memories of his village, but he remembers the beautiful paper lanterns that lit up the sky. While he lacks no bitter feelings towards his past, the lanterns are something he looks back on fondly.


Foolish and trusting, humans are prime targets for his money-earning schemes. Flash them a smile or a sob story and they’ll hand over everything they have. Nothing like the cold demons he is used to.


Something that was a luxury when he was growing up, but is now easily accessible. He prefers the kind on earth than what could be found in hell though.



Itchi hates those in power who do nothing to save those dying in the street. people who claim ownership of a piece of land and do nothing for the people that were there before him. Their fancy titles don’t make them any better than anyone else.


It’s a feeling he’s very aware of, and one that frightens him. Even though he is now able to eat whenever he pleases, he still feels a twinge of fear when he feels hungry.

Wealthy folk

While Itchi himself would like to be rich, those he considers “wealthy” are those that have too much money to burn. They spend it recklessly fulfilling sick desires and abusing those less fortunate. Itchi is happy to swindle these people out of every cent they have.


Being a being that mostly spends his time outside, being stuck in the rain is one of the worst things he can imagine.



Itchi was born deep in the southern mountains to a branch of the main fox family. It was clear from the moment he was born though, he was not welcome. In his family, those born with albino traits were seen as unlucky, cursed even. He was treated quite poorly by his family, sometimes even being likened to that of a servant's child. He was taught basic things like how to walk and clothe himself, but once he was old enough to do those things, he was exiled. Forced out of the region so he wouldn’t curse any other foxes. Itchi was an intelligent child. Although he was young, he understood the situation quite well and learned to adapt.

He escaped the feral lands and made it to the neighboring countries, where he could hide in the major cities and live off the streets. It was tough, but Itchi was a quick learner. The streets were tough, and hiding from the ruling guild of bandits was even tougher, but Itchi did everything he could to survive. After a couple of years of living on his own, he met another young boy. Someone even younger than Itchi was. He was small and frail, and didn’t seem to know anything. Although it would make things harder, Itchi took him under his wing. He knew what it was like to be alone, and he wasn’t sure this kid could survive on his own. So, they became “brothers”.


The boys wanted to live honestly, but things don’t always work out the way you want them to. Begging in such a poor and cruel area didn’t yield much results, and no one wanted to hire two children that seemed ready to keel over. Scraps weren’t easy to come by either, people were typically very protective of their food since there was so little to go around. They did what they could, earning what little money there was to earn and eating as little as possible. Life like this was miserable, and Itchi was growing sick of it. Why did they have to suffer? Was itchi really cursed like his family believed he was? What could they do to get out of this miserable state? That’s when the boys were given the opportunity

Shortly after moving to a new, even seedier town than they were used to, the boys were approached by a grotesque looking demon. This demon offered them more money than they’d ever seen before, if only he could have Dragon for one night. Itchi understood what this meant immediately, and he refused. Dragon was his brother, and far too young to do such a thing. He would rather die than let his brother be defiled just so they could eat. But as days passed, and their stomachs grew emptier, his conviction started to wane. It wasn’t just Itchi that was suffering either, Dragon was also starving, and he was so small… it was likely he would die before Itchi if they starved. Finally Itchi broke and asked his brother to just do it once. When the night was over, Itchi apologized and promised Dragon he would never have to do such a thing again.

Losing Sight

The money they received was great, but it was only enough to last them a couple of weeks. After that, what would they do? Now that they knew how to make large amounts of money in just a night, the temptation to ask Dragon to do it again only grew by the day. And when the money ran out… The boys tried to return to their previous lifestyle of just scraping by but it was difficult to go back. Itchi caved again and asked Dragon to go back to that demon. Just one more time… except they both knew it wouldn’t be just once. Each time Itchi asked, it became less difficult. Until it wasn’t even a question anymore, it was merely assumed Dragon would do “what was necessary". And then, more demons came around, interested in Dragon. They were practically running a business. As time went on, Itchi cared less and less about Dragon’s feelings about their jobs, and more about the money they were making. Dragon never refused anything, so Itchi just kept pushing more and more onto him to maximize the amount of money they could make. And make they did, as rich and famous demons came from all over to see Dragon.

Years passed, and Itchi was doing very well with Dragon. During the day, Itchi focused on work. Selling things or doing odd jobs. By night, they focused on Dragon’s work. Doing this, they make a lot of money but can never really stay in the same area for too long. Itchi was always anxious about money, it didn’t matter how much they made. He was always anxious to make more. So when the brothers heard of a high paycheck for anyone willing to go to earth and drag some angel girl down to Hell, Itchi knew he couldn’t miss this chance.







The angel he is there to collect and bring back to Hell. She’s a goody-two-shoes that likes to meddle in his business. She spends WAY too much time worrying about others and not enough worrying about herself. Itchi finds her annoying and frustrating to deal with but… She can be kinda funny sometimes too.



Younger Brother

Itchi’s younger brother and main way of making money. He’s a quiet boy who’s always in his own world. He isn’t very sociable and has a sharp tongue, but they get along fairly well. Really the only person that Itchi fully trusts.


Judis Frock


A seedy salesman that Itchi has worked with a few times. He’s an odd man, but they both have similar experiences so they’ve bonded.