


5 years, 6 months ago


✦ Details
Name Judis
Gender Male
Age 28
World N/A
Species Demon
Ethnicity Satori
Home N/A
Occupation Illegal item salesman
Sexuality Straight
✦ Appearance
Height 5'8"
Body Type Thin, sleek, and shady-looking
Hair Style Shaggy and slightly long
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Pink
Skin Color Tan
Clothing Style Very formal, with a top hat always on his head. He dresses to impress.
Posture Shady
Other N/A
✦ Likes
✦ Dislikes
✦ Hobbies
Lighter collecting
✦ Traits
✦ Flaws
Kiss up
✦ Phobias
✦ Backstory

Judis grew up in a poor home, struggling to survive. He and his family did what they could, but the coming war made money tighter than it already was. Wages were lower, everyone was on edge. Slowly, Judis's siblings started to die from starvation. Food was the one thing they could cut back on.. and it took a toll. All Judis could do was keep pressing forward, ignoring the rotting corpses of his brothers and sisters. He fought and fought for every penny he earned, but it wasn't yet enough. He stole and reselled whatever he could get his hands on, refined his selling skills. Even junk was sellable if given the right spin. The, the war reached it's peak. Weapons were scace, people were desperate. People wanted to survive through it. And Judis could help. he figured out where some of the world's most expensive and ellusive weaponry and illegal goods were being kept... and sold them to the masses. Even if it was just to stay alive, he put so many other lives on the line just to make enough to eat. But the longer he did it, the richer he became. Eventually, he just couldn't stop. He basically had a business.

Judis now travels around with a young boy named Kitu, seaching for customers that would buy his illegal goods.One day he travels to earth to scam some humans into buying "occult" items, and ends up running into the mysterious "angel princess" that has both heaven and hell up in arms. She's more fun to mess around with than he ever could have guessed.

✦ Trivia
● Because he is a satori, Judis can read minds.
● His birthday is 11/4
● Judis sells black magic tools, weapons, and shady potions. He also sells other, more... gruesome items, but those are for special customers only.
● Judis secretly donates a good chunk of his earnings to children in need, because no child should struggle as he did.
✦ Relationships
Tsuki Tenshi Suki is an innocent kid that Judis loves to tease. She is the angel princess warriors all over the secondary dimensions are searching for, although Judis couldn't care less about all that.
Kitu An amnesiac child that lost his family. All alone like Judis, he'd make a good business partner in the future. Judis doesn't mind taking care of him.
Itchi Kobayashi Itchi is a faithful customer, a man that is just as morally grey as Judis is. They should get along, but hold strange resentment for one another's chosen lifestyle.

profile html by Hukiolukio