Esna (Esna (Scientific Witchery))



3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Full name





Female, trans (she/her)




The Monarch Witch




A young witch part of the Witch's Society, Esna is also known as the Monarch Witch, with her patron animal being the monarch butterfly. Her magic is the magic of words; she has a great affinity towards words and often carries a dictionary on her person, constantly trying to use any new words she finds. Her favourite words are the long and fancy ones, and her dream is to one day be able to hear them out loud.

Esna has been deaf since a very tender age. An orphan who grew up in the Concrete Jungle that the witches call home, Esna always had trouble fitting in. Awkward and clumsy, she didn't grow up with much in a way of friends, but still tried to chase after their shadows and find somewhere she belonged. Esna does whatever she can in order to gain approval for this reason.
Once she reached her early teens, she was finally given permission to join the raid on a human settlement. After her first raid, she got separated from the rest of her party and was left behind to defend herself. She ran into Galeas, a blind human child who also lost contact with their parents, and feeling a certain kinship, attached herself to them. They become close friends partly out of necessity, relying on each other's senses to find their way back to civilization.

Galeas gets very protective and devoted to Esna, while Esna is endeared and slightly obsessed with Galeas. There is however an underlying reason as to why Esna originally befriended Galeas, as she saw an opportunity: if she can turn Galeas in to the witches when she's able to find her way home, they will view her more favourably and she will gain some social capital.

Galeas eventually learns the truth behind the witches and Esna's connection to them. The Witch's Society desires human subjects to operate on and modify, fitting them with "enhanced bodyparts" that are a product of magical machinery. The witches are unable to experiment on themselves as the technology can interfere with the flow of magic within their body, either weakening their magic to the point of not being able to cast anything, or worse, making it so powerful their vessel can no longer contain the level of magic and they explode. The witches see it as an improvement to the human race. Humans, of course, are not so willing to "fix" what is not broken. Witches have a nasty reputation, and humans who are known to consult witches of their own accord are usually ostracized. Esna herself believed that the witches' technology could help Galeas see. Galeas felt strongly betrayed after being taken to the witches, broke off their friendship, and joined the campaign against them.

Esna managed to gain some recognition having brought Galeas though they managed to escape outside of her control, and steadily followed a slow but upward path in social mobility since then. She still considers Galeas her best friend and hopes they'll see what a great thing the witches are offering humans.

Esna is earnest, but cowardly. A bit of a pushover, she is easily swayed by the opinions of others, especially of those in authority or with high social status. As a result, the opinions she expresses are rarely of her own thought. Esna thrives off of validation, and will do whatever it takes in order to achieve "happiness".

Esna painlessly writes raised messages on her arm with magic, either to engrain certain words to her memory or to write a message that Galeas can read with their touch, like a magic notepad. She can also instantly wipe this writing off her arm and start again. She always carries an enchanted fountain pen that acts as her instrument for magic. Once Galeas no longer allows her to be that close to them,  she sends enchanted paper planes instead with magic writing, hoping her words will reach them. 

Though Esna can read lips to a degree, she sometimes stumbles on some movements and misunderstands. She did not grow up with speech production being a priority, so her ability to speak is limited.