Babe Dearlyng



8 years, 19 days ago


Tami 'Babe' Dearlyng

Darling Dearest
Name Tami Dearlyng
Titles/Nicknames Babe, Witch
Gender/Pronouns Female (She/they)
Age/Birthday '26' (somewhere around 370) 3, 2/14
Species StarDragon, StarDasher
Orientation/Status Pan/Poly, Open always
Height 5'4"
Body Build Skinny and skinnily curvy
Traits/Unique Features Carved Horns, Slightly glowing markings and Gems
Home None. Don't ask.
Personality Quiet and Mysterious, she seems kind until she turns on you (if she turns on you).



Flaws Qualities Motivation
  • ✗ Unstable
  • ✗ Vengeful
  • ✗ Racist
  • ✗ Stubborn
  • ✗ Manipulative
  • ✓ Has Morals
  • ✓ Strong sense of Justice
  • ✓ Helpful
  • ✓ Knowledgeble
  • ✓ Persuasive
  •  To liberate slaves from Shooters


Babe practices forbidden magics of Time and Life, as well as mental manipulation magic.


Babe is a skilled potion-maker, knowing considerable knowledge when it comes to medicine, anatomy, etc.



Babe is a seductress who willingly lets herself taken into a shooter's ownership before getting close to them and killing them.

  • She only targets shooters that are isolated and doesn't wander anywhere near shooter cities.
  • She literally sucks life passively out of places she frquents, so she travels a lot.
  • She taught herself to speak shooter long ago, but can still feign having a broken accent.
  • Once she kills a victim, she absorbs their life force and uses it to keep herself young.
  • She Practices normal magic too, but theyre 'not as fun.'
  • She surpringly is very respectful if the dead, even shooters. She buries all of her victims.

Babe is found roaming the land, in open areas that are easy to be found. She welcomes all to stay with her for a day and night, except shooters, many of whom she either runs away from or kills.


Babe was born many, mnay years ago, in a small village that was isolated from any large cities. it was one of diversity, although dashers were the predominant race. She grew up learning magic under the tutleage of her mother, including babbling in the magic that make her village untouchable by time. This idyllic life came to an end when they were discovered by passerby. Word spread and people started flocking to the place where they could stay young forever. Babe could see the strain that it took on her mother, with so many people draining her magic. She seemed to age years every day. One day, Babe walked in to see her mother packing her things. Babe was confused. What was going on?

"I'm leaving, and I'm only taking a few of you with me." Babe was shocked. her own mother, uprooting her life just like this? "And," her mother continued. "I've told the shooters where we are." Babe had never seena shooter up close, she had only heard stories. they were stealers of life, enslaving people, taking their gems for their own benefit. Babe stood her ground against her mother, saying that she would stay and defend the town, no matter the cost. She asked her mother if she could split the burden of keeping time at a standsill. her mother simply shook her head, finished packing, and walked out the door. Babe was heartbroken. her family had up and left, and then the threat of shooters was soon to follow.

The threat wasted no time arrriving, and her village was laid to waste almost immediately. She watched as the shooters tore the whole place apart, and ran. Watching from a secret place in the trees, Babe saw her friends and family be taken away and the whole place burned to the ground. from that day, Babe swore revenge against the shooters, vowing to destroy them one by one. She would do to them what they did to her family, and she would spite her mother by using her knowledge to fell them. And so she went, sooter by shooter, freeing slaves and taking tailplates, eargems, anything as a trophy. She did eventually realize that her imcriminating stash of evidence was not smart, so instead she chose the most pretty gems and turned them into jewelry.

Now, Babe wanders from shooter to shooter, careful to stay out of sight until she can fell her next victim. Any shooter who has a slave or participates in such is terrible in her book, and none od them are safe. She skirts away from cities, preferring to portray herself as someone hopeless tobe taken in. After all, it has worked for almost 100 years, why stop now?


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Here you could write about how loving your character is to his family and friends.


Character Name

This could be their best friend or adoptive dad.


Character Name

Maybe their sister or arch-nemesis.

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