Shichi Ouhara



5 years, 3 months ago



Status, Etc.

Role: Auxilliatrix (formerly), Royal Hive Sitter (Current)
Status: Alive
Voice Claim:  Shuichi Saihara, Danganronpa V3
Creator(s): artisticGamer98 (backstory), @obliquemuridae on tumblr (design)
Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Unknown


Conscientious • Tolerant • Night Owl
NameShichi OuharaLunar SwayProspit
Age9.8-10 SweepsClasspect??? of Blood
Blood CasteJadeStrife SpecibiGun-kind (pistol)
Height5'9"LikesCaffeinated drinks, stories of friendship, taking care of others, sleep
Chirping Hopper-beast (Post Caverns)DislikesForcing stuff, required breaks
Former SignVircer, the AccountableQuirkMostly proper syntax, slurs words often from lack of sleep.


Shichi used to be in charge of taking care of the more troublesome grubs in the brooding caverns, thus having to sleep less often. A lot of grubs needed their attention, either from causing trouble or from needing attention or health reasons. A lot of Shichi’s blood, sweat, and tears went into taking care of those wrigglers and often sat and read stories to them when they could. It wasn’t an uncommon sight for the jade to be seen passed out with wrigglers napping on top of them.
Now that the jade is roughly 10 sweeps of age, they were kicked out of the caverns and was found by Yumiko Sumire, on her way home from her most recent mission, and brought them in to live with local heiress, Asamie Chuyah. They fit into the role of hivesitter whenever Asamie was away, and had a hard time breaking some old brooding cavern habits, which included their horrible sleep schedule. Shichi is one of the few that can tell that Asamie and Yumiko have a strong familial bond, and not just Yumiko having a hemo-loyalty to the current heiress.
During the early days of staying with said heiress, the jade attracts the attention of a rogue rabbit-like lusus, promptly being adopted by them. After this point it follows them around, making sure Shichi doesn’t overwork themselves and rest properly, much to the jade’s dismay, who wants to stay up and keep an eye on things.

Misc Details
-Keeps tabs on the pupated wigglers that they notice and through media (mostly proud).
-Has a favorite mug that says “don’t talk to me until i eat this mug” printed on it (never eats it).
-Their watch has several alarms set, no one knows what they are for.
-Has a pale crush on Yumiko or Nemsis, there are bets on this.
-Started taking up online quadrant assistance, best with flushed or pale.