Basic Info




Agender [ They ]


Goblin Gator


Nature ; common




  • definitely a listener-- tends to observe and listen but doesn't often contribute their own dialgoue, generally more soft-spoken and speaks sparingly, saying only what is important
  • believes the world is gorgeous and is something to be enjoyed and watched closely, otherwise you risk missing something great
  • poetic, likes writing poetry but isn't exactly the best at it-- prefers to write haikus ironically enough-- their writing is optimistic and light-hearted in tone and usually about nature or the world
  • they travel around the world to observe the sights with their companion-- a white mouse-like creature called Senryu
  • keeps a personal diary about everything that happens in their life from day-today and keeps it locked with a passcode only they would know
  • believe in inner-beauty and the meaning of the individual and the soul-- due to this they're not very materialistic and have no real desire to own things if they can observe and appreciate them
  • almost always calm and easy-going-- despite this on their travels they often get dragged into very strange and hectic situations
  • tend to be the voice of reason even though they never asked for this chaos in their life
  • oddly risk-taking considering their quiet and serene nature-- enjoys taking chances and trying new things, wants to experience the whole world for all it has to offer
  • has a hard time standing up for themselves and what they want, usually goes with what other people want to do or think is best
  • collect knick-knacks, as they find the trinkets quite cute and endearing-- they own almost nothing of value, but boy do they own knick-knacks
  • they keep all these knick-knacks in their home and use them to represent the various places they've experienced
  • usually at peace with things, even in times of great turmoil and chaos they find something to be happy about