


5 years, 6 months ago


A respectable man told me every swing of my weapon counts. Never heard truer words since.
Fiver / Sapphire Star
35 (post-Rise)
July 16th
New World - Astera
Full-time hunter and researcher
Chaotic Neutral
  • Waking up in the early morning.
  • Cleaning and sharpening his weapons.
  • Examining captured monsters.
  • Traveling.
  • Being shot at by ranged weapons and being knocked out of the sky.
  • Getting knocked away from what he's trying to carve off his kill.
  • Sticklers for the rules / bootlickers.
  • Being held up to a high standard.

When he was younger, Arston and his parents were well off. A hunting family, they'd go on frequent outings, but he'd never be allowed to participate in the hunt. One day when he was 13 though, when his parents were encouraging him to face off against a bulldrome, he was ambushed by a Rathalos. It resulted in the scar across his nose.

A few years later, his mother was requested for a special Guild hunt. She was never seen or heard from again, but her connections kept Arston and his father afloat. However, his father contracted an illness that wasn't kept in check, and his health began to decline. To keep affording the medicine that the Guild wouldn't cover, Arston began taking hunts under the table, engaging in illegal requests that weren't sanctioned by the Guild in any way, shape, or form. Even with the extra money, however, his father still passed away.

Arston continued his poaching. He went for a while moving between settlements and taking on shadier jobs. The Guild caught wind regardless, but rather than punishing him he was brought to Port Tanzia for testing, training, and eventual deployment for the New World. Hired as an A-List hunter for the Fifth Fleet, he undertook research missions in Astera for years to come, eventually spreading beyond to the secluded village of Kamura.

  • His favorite meal from the canteen is a seasonal one, but he still asks for it regardless. The chefs don't enjoy the pestering, but at least he isn't persistent about it.
  • While not a Rider himself, his great-grandparents have Rider blood in them. His great grandmother left their town a very long time ago, settling in Mezeporta for some time.
  • To this day, he's still scared of Rathalos. Doesn't stop him from hunting them.
  • His right hand is a bit messed up from insect glaive use.
  • He's befriended a Tobi Kadachi in the ancient forest.