


9 years, 5 months ago


Race; Human
Gender; Female
Occupation; Armor Craftsman - she makes different kinds of armors, plate-mail, chain-mail, leather, the works.
Age; 24

Height; 5'6"
Weight; Not small
Type of body/build; Fit, she can swing a hammer. Muscly.

What he would sound like; TBD

Hair color; Dark
Hair length; Nearly to her shoulders. May have it in dreads for low maintenance.

Eye color; Hazel, they have a bright liveliness to them.
Skin tone; Bronzed from a lot of sun exposure.

Scars; Her hands are covered, as well as her arms. She's made mistakes with the crafting in the past, that caused her have scaring on those places. One her shoulders has a burn scar, probably from something similar.

Personality traits; Rough around the edges. Confident. Doesn't let people get the better of her.

Weapon of choice; Giant hammer

Likes; When her creations help save someone's life, and/or prevent them from being overly wounded.
Dislikes; When people mess up her concentration. Not being able to finish a piece of armor.

Family; Alive.

Other; Grew up with her family, learned everything she knows about armor from her parents. They started teaching her when she was eight. You don't want to make a chink in her armor, metaphorically, she might verbally snap at you.