


5 years, 3 months ago


  • 5'4"-5'6"
  • Ramses (Nadir? forgot his last name lmaaao)
  • Age varies from au, anywhere from 28-38??
  • Trans
  • large blue eyes,(occasionally violet depending on universe)
    ↪ alongside the MedSci aus, Ramses will always end up with mydriasis, aka a blown or permanently dilated pupil. he typically obtains this from a man named Akira. the trauma he receives is often alongside a comment about how he can now see everything in a better light and understand his place and maybe he'll think twice about attempting to escape. this is usually received after the first or second attempted escape.
  • calming voice
  • has short onyx/dark brown curly hair, sides are typically trimmed
    ↪ ramses while he likes long hair on other people he prefers something a bit more easy to manage for himself. his hair can often be see with designs shaved along the sides
    ↪  the general style of his facial hair stays strictly clean shaven, though while T has made his hair grow a bit more wild he surprisingly doesn't have to shave too often
  • often seen wearing bright wild patterns or pastels
    ↪ out of his uniforms he is a fan of bright vivid and especially floral and repetitive patterns. if he's not wearing something with zebra stripes or vivid red roses he is happily wearing pastels, most are cool tones such as green, blue and purples while his vivid colors tend to be on the warmer side with reds and yellows. he especially loves sweaters and layered clothing such as vests and turtlenecks.
    ↪ should be note that during his years in medsci his bright and colorful flair overtime dulls into nothing but dark and often baggy clothing, typically hoodies and drab boots and things that conceal himself. this is symbolism as over the course of events as he wants to hide away and separate from the events in his life. he no longer feels safe, or in control and does not feel like himself. he is no longer happy and in a way is in mourning of his friends,family and himself.
  • doesn't wear much jewelry, except his wedding ring for when he marries his soulmate and best friend Isaac
  • loves to wear hats and sunglasses especially after retirement au's
  • body scars
    ↪ Ramses regardless of au typically spots two scars under his pectorals due to his bilateral mastectomy. he is quite proud of these scars and when he can he shows them off freely. even as years pass they dont fade away completely, they remain a light pink and are sensitive to touch at times, though its never painful.
    ↪ Ramses tends to have various scars depending on the au, most of them simple cuts and scratches. though any aus where he is essentially captive and remnant within MedSci he at times upon attempted escapes, (usually around the second or third caught attempt) will share a similar scar to his adopted son Ren. this scar is never a complete Y as the procedure done by Akira is always caught and Ramses is saved from certain and untimely demise. but the reasons behind is remain rather unknown as it's seen more as punishment than that anything of actual medical purpose. should be noted Akira comments how close Ren and Ramses seem to be, and that a father and son having matching 'tattoos' is a sweet idea and show of their familial bonds.


  • patient, understanding
    ↪ if its one thing Ramses is known for it is for being patient and often levelheaded and able to look at a situation from both points. Ramses is typically a mediator and does his best to keep stress and conflict at an all time low. while he does not like conflict it does not deter him from starting it or attempting to finish it, but such events are.. incredibly rare and to bring upon the wrath of Ramses you are probably a piece of shit gfsnkfs
  • docile, relaxed
    ↪ Ramses can be seen as rather mellow to most, especially those who don't know him too well. happily reading a romance novel or simply playing cards. regardless of au he is rather zen, having been through some events and trauma he just wants to relax and find happiness as well as help others achieve it too.
  • knowledgeable, keen
    ↪ while Ramses knows how to fight enough to try and hold his own and escape and get help he is much more knowledgeable in the art of medicine and other various knowledge. in many aus he is a healer. he loves to read and learn and especially excels in both observational and hands on learning. it should be notes he knows three languages himself as well as one variant of his mothertongue. English, Arabic, Egyptian Arabic as well as...i forgot the name i'll edit later LMAO
  • passionate, loyal
    ↪ while Ramses doesn't have what most would call a wide circle of friends and family he is extremely passionate to those he calls home. loyal and rather passionate about the health and happiness of his friends he is a beloved entity to have in your family and by your side.
  • determined, zealous, surprisingly energetic
    ↪ while he may not be particularly stubborn he is rather determined, unrelenting in his pursuit to finish a goal once he set his mind to it. with that in mind it should also be noted Ramses is as energetic as the energizer rabbit. many people confuse his calm and relaxed demeanor with being lazy and just not energetic in general but those close to him or those who are lucky enough to watch how he interacts with his family will see just how rowdy he can be. 

In various aus he is a medic on the field when in the army, a being who heals with energy or a vampire or 'sphynx' of sorts.

FC is often Rami Malek