☆ Lottie ☆



8 years, 1 month ago


Basics- Name: Lottie

Age: 13

Gender/Species: Female, Human

Height: tall for her age

Right or Left: lefty

Marks, tattoos, piercings: Freckles

Family/Religion- Siblings: 6 older brothers and one little sister

Relationship Status: Taken

Significant Other: Papaya

Pets: Grey bunny named Frizzles

Friends: Avery, Rue, Molly, Madeline,Trixie,Dixie

Enemies: none! She's too adorable to have enemies

Superstitions: nerp

Accent: American

Other- Fears: Snakes

Favorite Animal: Rabbit

Favorite Ice Cream: Mint

Favorite Food: Sweet and Sour chicken

Favorite Drink: Strawberry Milk

Favorite Class: Geography

Favorite Sport/Activity: Tennis & Tag

Favorite Season: Spring

Favorite Holiday: Halloween

Sleeping Habits: Takes way too many naps but is always a giant ball of energy after she wakes up

Book Preferences: Anything that makes her laugh

Favorite Book: Diary of a wimpy kid

Favorite Song: literally anything by the Jonas Brothers #noshame

Favorite Band/Singer: ^

Favorite Movie: Olive the other reindeer

Groups or Alone: Social butterfly, groups all the way

Leader or Follower: usually the leader

Planned or Spontaneous: spontaneous

Hobbies: Making cute little clothes to dress Frizzles in (much to Frizzles displeasure) and annoying Papi

How do they relax: Drawing/coloring, playing with Frizzles

What excites them: Birthday parties, Cute baby animals, surprises, presents

Pet Peeves: People being mean

Obsessions: Rainbow socks, Nick Jonas, Sugar

Addictions: mmm making people laugh

Stressors: Papi being sad, friends fighting with one another

Ever Been Kissed: o: not yet! (Papi step your game up bro)

Hidden Talents: singing

Drugs or Alcohol: no lol

Prized Possession(s): A bracelet from Papi : D


Date Of Birth:8-26-03

Zodiac Sign:Virgo