


5 years, 3 months ago


The Mournblade is a legendary shortsword, known for its ability to destroy its wielder's enemies in one blow with a burst of holy light. None are sure who forged the blade or how it comes into its wielders' possessions, but whenever it crops up in history, greatness follows whoever is bearing it.

Unbeknownst to all but its wielders, the Mournblade is actually a living sword, the soul within it appearing only to those who touch the blade. A bird-like celestial being, it refers to itself as Morn, and it is the source of every drop of the shortsword's magic. Though it is powerless without a bearer, it's picky about who it allows to carry its blade - only those who despise killing as much as Morn does can take up the sword without it burning their hands like fire, and Morn will only allow its blade to harm those who have no other chance at redemption, no possible way they can be spared. It kills them so quickly not as a show of force, as many assume, but to instead ensure that the death will be entirely painless.

Still, even with such restrictions, Morn cries endlessly for the lives it has taken, the futures it cut short because it had to...a grief it shares constantly, in secret, with its bearer, who will come to truly know the full weight of death. This is the real reason why the sword is known as the Mournblade, and though few are worthy of carrying it, fewer still can bear its heavy burden. Those that do, however, find greatness, not only because of the power they wield, but because of the wisdom it grants them and the compassion and strength it takes to bear the pain of the sword's grief.