Clarence Miccela Abberdash



5 years, 7 months ago


  • Full name: Clarence Miccela Abberdash
  • Age: Between 13 and 17
  • Birthday:
  • Sexuality: ?
  • Sex: Male
  • Gender: ?
  • Personality: Content, innocent
  • Likes: sweet-cakes, looking out of his window, playing in the courtyard.
  • Dislikes: Being shut in from people, his family hating him, being treated differently.
  • Biography: Clarence was the youngest of the children born to King Josiah Abberdash, and Queen Eliza Abberdash. He was one of 5, and was never treated as his 3 older brothers, and 2 older sisters where. He was treated as less then them, as a disgrace to the family. This was because of the "defects" he was born with. He was born with extremely pail skin, as opposed to the dark tan that the rest of his family had, and had pink hair and eyes. These things were seen as a bad omen to this small and isolated kingdom. Clarence was locked away for all of his life and told to never make himself known unless someone deliberately addresses him. He was forced to et his meals separate from his family. He grew up mostly in isolation, but he never minded it, as he had never known anything else. He was quite happy, actually. He had a huge imagination, and would watch the people of the kingdom out of his window and imagine what they were doing, what their stories were, who they were. He would look at the wildlife, and imagine one of the animals coming into his room, and making it his pet. He would think about the animal's family, and give them names. Eventually, the demon Zechariah marched into the castle and told the king that he had one week until he destroyed the kingdom of Abberdash. When questioned upon the reason, he simply said "Reasons? I haven't a reason, good sir. I am merely bored." The king pleaded and begged, having heard of the chaos and pain that this demon had inflicted upon neighboring nations. Zechariah didn't want to hear it. That was, until he heard an offer that caught his attention. "Please.. I will give you anything! Gold, land, wine, women. Anything! I-- I will give you one of my own!" He was interested in this final offer. This king is so desperate that he would offer one of his kin to a demon to do who-knows-what to them?  He took the king up on his offer, and was taken to the chamber of the unloved child. Clarence was doing as he normally would, sitting by the window. He was lost in thought thinking of what was going on in the main chamber, as one of the servants who brought his breakfast had told him of the intruder. He had been told of the stories before, and was thinking about how his father must be acting so heroic, as surely nothing could be more heroic than a man who would raise a "bad omen" like himself. When he heard his door open, he did not turn until he felt the presence of someone behind him, and heard someone call out his name. This voice was different from that of any of the servants or his father's though. Having been directly addressed, Clarence obediently turned around. He was greeted by the demon, Zechariah, who wore a small smile, and had a hand extended to Clarence. "Hello, Clarence. You will be coming with me from now on." Clarence did not understand. He looked at Zechariah in confusion, gingerly taking his hand, as that is what he was taught to do. He noticed his father hiding behind the door, staring at him. He gave his father a funny look.