


8 years, 1 month ago


Basics- Name: Spider

Age: turned at 18 :c

Gender/Species: Male,Vampire

Height: average

Right or Left: right

Marks, tattoos, piercings: Moles on his chest, Spider tattoo on his left hand, lip ring,several ear piercings


Siblings: none

Relationship Status: forever alone because Donnie doesn't love him :'(

Significant Other: Donnie //only in his mind though :c

Pets: Cat named Spook

Friends: none, total loner

Enemies: never really talks to anyone so doesn't make many friends/enemies

Superstitions: yes hes actually very superstitious

Accent: British


Fears: wooden stakes, garlic, sunlight... you know the usually vampire fears.

Favorite Animal: Cats

Favorite Ice Cream: vampires dont eat food duh

Favorite Food: ^

Favorite Drink: blood obviously

Favorite Class: ew school

Favorite Sport/Activity: Football

Favorite Season: Autumn

Favorite Holiday: doesn't really like any Holiday, too much social interaction is needed.

Sleeping Habits: Sleeps all day xD

Book Preferences: makes jokes about books being lame but secretly reads love stories in his spare time

Favorite Book: Romeo and Juliet

Favorite Song: Bite-Troye Sivan, Breath- Breaking Benjamin

Favorite Band/Singer: Breaking Benjamin

Favorite Movie: Beastly

Groups or Alone: Alone

Leader or Follower: neither really

Planned or Spontaneous: Spontaneous, does whatever he feels like doing when he feels like doing it

Hobbies: watching football, taking too many pictures of his cat, pressing flowers

How do they relax: with a good book, walking around at night

What excites them: Donnie obviously

Pet Peeves: People trying to talk to him a lot

Obsessions: a good love story, music

Addictions: his cigarettes

Stressors: Being in a crowded room

Ever Been Kissed: yes

Hidden Talents: excellent dancer, pretty good singer

Drugs or Alcohol: nope

Prized Possession(s): his insanely large collection of converse shoes


Date Of Birth: 1-7-1845

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn