


5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


$35 / slot



 Name 】 Raynelle 
【 Nickname(s) 】 Ray, Nurse, Nell, Nelly
【 Gender 】 Female
【 Masterlist Link 】MYO #2502
【 Age 】 ?
【 DOB 】 July 21st
【 Sexuality 】 Bisexual
【 Relationship Status 】 Single
【 Height 】 5'9"
【 Job 】 Nurse

| Sweet | Kind | Caring | Helpful | Crazy | Blood Lusting | Dangerous |

Ray is a very sweet appearing lady as she works, usually only dealing with children under the age of 16 but seems to have a very nice disposition even with adults while at work. Having worked in ICU and hospice, she has a strangely accepting attitude towards death that never changes or sways when she sees patience or people die. That by no means means she's careless, giving it her all to see someone live but if there is nothing else to do she accepts it and moves on without emotional attachments. She's usually found in pediatrics, but has also worked in ICU and hospice if they're extremely short handed.
She does however show she's not always there, a love for blood and injuries being shown in her less stable times and pushed off as lack of sleep and a unhealthy life style. She always appears so trustworthy and someone you never expect to be dangerous, but she is more then willing to end an adults life, especially if she knows they've done wrong. 



Extra Information

  • Her victims are 99% of the time, adults. As she sees adults as being old enough to understands when they've done wrong, she takes little mercy on them and believes they deserve some form of punishment for the wrongs they do. That doesn't mean she wouldn't put a end to a very malicious child, but they'd have to be quite harmful to everyone for her to do that. 
  • Is actually very sweet even when murderous, making it hard for her victims to know when she's snapped out and will help them or still wants them to die
  • Uses to be a traveling hospice nurse for her hospital, visiting people's homes to take care of them until it was time for their passing. Occasionally she's help along some people that wanted such things to go faster or she found were irredeemable and needed to pass on faster 
  • Really loves taking care of kids, if she wasn't in pediatrics she's be a nanny
  • Her love for blood and murder comes from past trauma from a previous 'host' she never speaks of, not that anyone knows this currently
  • Wiggles her tail when happy or excited
  • Doesn't like wearing pants or long dresses, liking to keep her legs exposes if she can 

Character Blurb



Bought Art w/ Prices

Each spoiler is a new image, with a link to place it was ordered from and the price~


$35 (fto myo)
