Madeleine Wilhelmina Kaiser



5 years, 3 months ago


class: Support

real name: Madeleine Wilhelmina Kaiser.

alias: Eir

age: 24

height: 5'0’’

occupation: Field Medic

base of operations: Triesen, Liechtenstein

affiliation: Overwatch


  • She loves to read. Especially poetry is her thing. 
  • Baking is also a hobby that helps her stress down after a rough day. 
  • She is an avid collector of antique teacups.
  • she loves to go to flea markets.


  • She hates getting her fingers greasy or dirty especially when it comes to eating.
  • She pretty much doesn’t eat finger foods like chicken wings or ribs. She hates the feeling of having to bite into it and the added annoyance of greasy fingers makes it a no-no. Burgers and fries she is a-okay with.
  • She doesn’t like lamb or seafood.
  • She tends to be rather reserved about information regarding herself because she likes to observe more than put herself out in the limelight.
  • She autoseasons her food with salt, despite how salty it might be.
  • She’s not good at people spending time on their phones and such if she’s spending time with them since she feels like makes the social interaction feel detached.

f-list (18+) Link is here

story info:

Maddy joined Overwatch as a means to protect the innocent civilians around the world. During her time as a field medic she had seen too many times how war claimed the lives of a staggering number of civilians; men and women, young and old, rich or poor. No one was safe from war and various military regimes certainly didn’t bat an eyelash when they killed civilians while bombing a hospital or a plaza somewhere. She had seen too many corpses of children caught in the crossfire, women abused, young men slaughtered and it was during these horrific moments she realised she needed to do something more. She needed to up her game and help any way she could by furthering her medical research on sustainable medical help to civilians in war zones. Special medicine and medical equipment to help those in need for merely a fraction of the normal prize and secure and safe ways to get the packages to field lazaret all over the world. She managed to develop, with the back up of her families fortune and stem cell research, serums that could regrow lips and skin tissue in burn wounds, heal the wounded in no time and almost restore the body to peak perfect condition, lowering the death toll severely in combat areas.
In short, she joined to help make sure that casualties in war-stricken lands would be either abolished or at least severely diminished to secure them a safe future for the generations to come, and because she had managed to use stem cell research to produce serums to aid civilians, not only in war areas but also areas who had been struck by natural disasters or places like Chernobyl.
