


5 years, 3 months ago


  • FULL NAME Cassandra
  • AGE 19(?)
  • GENDER Female
  • RACE Wolf
  • ORIENTATION Straight
  • STATUS Possessed
  • TYPE Sweet airhead
  • HEIGHT 5’5”
  • OCCUPATION Shrine Maiden
  • REL STATUS Single(?)
  • ORIGIN Hell
  • DESIGNER Toasty-Kappa


A runaway with a bounty on her head. She just wants to live a peaceful life, but it seems no one's gonna let her! As the daughter of one of the major wolf tribe’s chief, there's a lot of people that want their hands on her.


Casandra is a sweet and delicate girl with a big heart. She’s a bit shy and not the best at making friends, but incredibly warm. Despite being raised with other wolves, she never quite developed their sense of bloodlust. She’s a pacifist by nature, and quite weak in body and mind. She’s a bit self-conscious and she lacks confidence, but she tries not to let that show.

She is a kind girl, but her naivety makes her an easy target to get taken advantage of. She wants to help others, and she trusts every person she meets as if they are a dear friend. While it would be wiser for her to be more wary of the people that approach her, she never wants to miss an opportunity to help someone in need. She’d rather risk being caught than leave someone suffering.


Cassandra was born in the deep forests of hell, as the daughter of one of the main wolf tribes’ chief. Being a girl, Cassandra could never become chief herself, and it was clear from a young age that she lacked the ferocity needed for such a role anyway. So she was instead delicately cared for, brought up to be married off to another chief or son of another chief. She was allowed to pretty much do whatever she wanted, but the things she saw and the people she talked to were heavily monitored. Growing up, she was incredibly sheltered from life outside of the tribe.

When she came of age, she was introduced to the young chief of a neighboring tribe. They were once at odds with this tribe, and both tribes hoped their union would bring an end to the problems. Cassandra herself was happy to be of use to her people, but things changed when she actually met the man she was supposed to be joined with. He was an extremely aggressive man, who became possessive of her and treated her like an object. He was prone to violence, and Cassandra was constantly afraid of doing or saying the wrong thing. Things came to a head on her wedding night, when the pressure of it all became too much to bear and she fainted.

When she woke up, she found herself miles and miles away from her tribe. Cassandra was confused and scared at first, but also relieved to be away from that man. And somehow, Cassandra felt that she wasn’t alone either. Something, or someone, inside her had helped her… and now she was to live in hiding. Her family wasn’t going to let her off easy though. They broke their traditions and hired outside demon hunters to find her, and force her back into the marriage she ran away from. So she lives on the run, moving from secluded place to secluded place in hopes of living a peaceful life.


  • Cassandra has a couple of sibling back in her old tribe, but she never interacted with them too much while she was growing up. She frequently wonders about them, and longs to rescue them from the tribe one day.
  • She is fond of laying in the sun and running through flowers, and has a disdain for citrus and thunder. Some could compare her to a dog, but she takes offense to this.
  • Although she doesn’t have any skills, and she doesn’t have time for anything like a hobby, Cassandra is quite good at cleaning, and takes it upon herself to look after abandoned buildings and villages on her travels.
  • Her birthday is 6/18
  • Cassandra wears a “shrine maiden” outfit she found at an abandoned shrine she found in the woods. It’s a strange thing to find in the depths of hell, but she was happy to change her style/



Ritsu Bodyguard

A rough young demon hunter that was once after Cassandra’s life. After dying in her arms though,. His spirit decided to do everything it could to protect her. So now he possesses her and takes over difficult tasks for her. Cassandra can’t really communicate with him, but even still he’s very precious to her.


Hikari Sweet Human

A human demon-hunter that once was after the bounty on Cassandra’s head, but after learning her circumstances became her ally. They bonded over their similar situations, and meet up as often as they can to share “girl talk” One of the only times she ever felt like a normal girl.


Ryou Friend of a Friend

A demon hunter that was once after the bounty on Cassandra’s head. He was at first very determined to bring her in and give her back to her family, but eventually caved (with convincing by his human companion) and became her ally. He’s stoic and pretty scary, but once you get used to him he isn’t too bad.