Diana Silver



5 years, 3 months ago


Name Diana Silver
Age 36
Gender Female
Height 5'6''
Sexuality Angry Lesbian
Race Asian-American
Role Protagonist




  • She's a vegetarian.
  • One of her hobbies is crocheting, and she made her own vest.
  • She loves her wife very, very much.
  • She is allergic to fur and thus has never been able to own a pet.
  • She has a PHD.

Diana Silver


Diana is a very complicated individual. Though she is a good person with similarly good intentions, her short temper and ever-present scowl imply otherwise. She's almost never seen in a good mood, and is very prone to enraged outbursts, much to her interns' chagrin. She can be very accurately described as a cranky old woman trapped in the body of a 30-something year old, and has been called that many a time. Predictably, being described as such has done nothing to improve on her humor.

Even with all that, she is a very professional individual with an enormous drive to help as many people as she can. She is intelligent and determined, something that has helped her achieve her goals in a quick and efficient way.



  • Neon Genesis Evangelion
  • Potted plants
  • Reading
  • Helping people


  • Being annoyed
  • Sylvia Miles
  • People who say anime isn't an art form
  • Entitled assholes (read, Sylvia Miles)


The one thing Diana has always known is that she wants to help people. Ever since she was a child, she and her childhood best friend Scott have vowed to help everyone they could, and even through many hardships, they've managed to keep that promise so far. So it would only be natural that they follow careers in the medical field, something her parents were very happy about. Though they were perfectly satisfied with her career choice, Diana's parents were always very strict and demanding in all aspects of her life, something that didn't do wonders for her social skills growing up. As if that wasn't enough, they both also happened to have very bigoted opinions regarding her sexuality, treating it as a burden on them and their family.

She's always resented them for those reasons, so as soon as she was able to produce her own income, she completely cut them off, going as far as changing her last name as to cut all ties with them. It was then that she met Laura Cassardis, a young aspiring journalist with unrivaled curiosity. They hit it off almost immediately, and it wasn't long before they started dating, to absolutely no one's surprise. A few years later, they got married, and have lived happily together since.

Nowadays, Diana works as the lead researcher of the Prosthetic Development Department of a a very promising research center named Cronos, where she can use her talents to develop new technologies to help those in need.


Laura Silver Wife

My wonderful wife. She's exceptionally beautiful and intelligent, and I'm still not sure why she chose to stick around with someone like me. Laura's curiosity is both her best and worst trait, and I'm pretty sure she'll end up getting herself in trouble because of it. I certainly hope not, though.

Scott Davis Best friend

Scott is an insufferable dork, and I have absolutely no idea why I'm still friends with him. Actually, I know why: it's because he's the only one who can put up with my bullshit. He thinks he's really funny with his nerdy "gamer" jokes, but he's really not. In all honesty, though, Scott is a loyal and selfless friend who I would trust with anything in the world.

...Not that I'd ever tell him that, of course.

Sylvia Miles Nemesis/Boss

Sylvia is arguably the worst person to ever set foot on this hell of an earth. There is no end to how much I despise her and her actions. I hate her stupid face and her inability to say anything without sounding like a condescending little shit, I hate how she's only at Cronos for the money and doesn't even try to hide it, and MOST OF ALL, I hate how she seems to have something against me even though I've been nothing but civil to her. And I have been civil, or as civil as I can be with that lying snake.