
Hado Aoihonō

Becoming stronger
The cold
Not being stronger than he could
The hero community 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sodales orci in augue efficitur vehicula. Maecenas vitae pretium massa. Nullam eros erat, tristique id turpis in, luctus tempus nunc. Praesent volutpat, lectus id volutpat viverra, arcu ex fringilla nisi, vel feugiat nulla orci vel elit. Quisque sit amet scelerisque lorem. Phasellus pulvinar nulla a tellus rutrum viverra.

Nunc ac accumsan nisi. Vestibulum viverra feugiat diam vel rhoncus. Quisque quam elit, sollicitudin ac turpis et, imperdiet imperdiet sapien. Nulla feugiat dui erat, ac eleifend turpis scelerisque a. Etiam id lacus lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tempor massa at mi laoreet condimentum. Cras molestie ipsum a quam pharetra pharetra. Nulla ut sapien porttitor, maximus tortor et, vulputate dui. Suspendisse sodales nisl at vehicula malesuada. Cras vel libero pharetra, volutpat lectus vel, rhoncus enim. Phasellus eget lectus interdum, ornare 

lorem vitae, commodo libero. Aenean dapibus eros quis lacus hendrerit efficitur. Aenean lobortis scelerisque nisl, in rutrum diam maximus eu. In a placerat turpis, in condimentum odio. Cras id risus nisl.

Quirk: Propane Ignition - Hado sweats propane from his right hand, while when he focuses he can cause his left hand to heat up like a stove; when he claps his hands together the propane from his right hand and the heat from his left hand is enough to create blue flames. He is still mastering his quirk so at this time once the flame leaves his hand - it goes out within three seconds. 

Appearance: Hado has short hair in the back that is naturally black, with light blue hair spiked up on top that's longer than the front in a mohawk type style, his side burns are also dyed light blue to match his flames - his eye brows are the same black shade as his natural hair color. His eyes are narrow and a light brown-orange color, he has pale skin; hidden under the sleeve of his left arm is a massive burn from his wrist to his elbow (similar to this just all the way around) from an incident when he was a child - unfortunately for him the burn did not heal correctly. He always seems to have a scowl on his full lips.

He is of average height for a boy his age standing at 170.7 cm, weighing the average for a boy his size as well at 56 kg, and wearing size 28 cm shoes. He wears the standard UA male uniform to a T, despite hating it and often loosening his tie more than he is supposed to; he makes sure to always wear the suit-jacket over the short sleeves even when it's hot out. When he's not in class, Hado wears long sleeves at all times and most would say he dresses like a skateboarder. (link is to Pinterest board)

Personality: wip

Birthday: March 31st

Voice: Kyle Hebert

Bedroom: here.



worth: $5

HTML by Jayden