


5 years, 3 months ago



Essence • Vitality • Peace

Name None
Alias Xōl Magdalena
Gender Genderless
Pronouns Any
Age Unknown
Birthday None
Height 6'3" (191 cm)
Weight 338 lbs. (153.3 kg)
Species Unknown
Ethnicity None
Sexuality None
Scent Sage
Flora Stinging Nettle


The joy you feel when seeing an old friend, the smell of your mom's homemade cake, the prayer of safety for your loved one, the room you found while visitng your childhoom home that you swear never existed, the calming attack of silence, the violent sense of relief by the choir, the visitor in the reocurring dream you've had through adulthood, the natural occurance of the earth quaking and shaking beneath your very feet, the wordly essence of love.

Looked upon by many as a god, a wayward spirit, a cryptid, or a dear friend, they are a creature of many faces.

If you're lucky to speak with them, they'll often refer to themself as Xōl [pron: SHOHL]. However, they've been known to call themself by other names seemingly on whims, such as Lobo, Cecilio, Faith, Song, and Şáyyat [pron: SHY•yaht]. They are known to be very secretive about themself, though when talking, you'll feel like you've known them forever. Specifics are impossible to come by with them. When speaking, they'll typically use whole names in place of pronouns, and sometimes refers to themself as "We," though any pronoun set can be used when referring to them.

Their intentions are unclear, if they even have any. If they make an appearance, it is heralded by a faint jingling of seashells. You'll feel at ease, at home. When they leave, you'll feel a sense of wanderlust, the urge to escape and see what love the world has to show you.

"Xōl is a representation of my love for the world, my love for life, my love for my friends and family, my love for nature, my love for people. Since my teen years, I've used them to cope with anxiety, depression, trauma, and cultural abuse, even though they haven't had a consistent form until recently. But I think that suits them, and I'm hesistant to say the design they have at any time is their true appearance. Xōl plays a key role in Ngorivo, but is not a character that lives like the others. They are always present, but not anchored in existence. I encourage readers to make their own interpretations for Şáyyat." - Rabbit


Seems to understand every language

Tends to spout random history in the first-person during conversations

Dodges questions about their age or family

Has a fear of strong winds

Enjoys offerings of seashells, bowls of acorn stew, yucca flowers, sage bundles, beaded leather scraps, hollowed out gourds, gravestone rubbings, and frozen berries


Generally doesn't wear clothes, but enjoys jewelry. They wear necklaces in multiples of 3 at a time made of gold, turquoise, wood, and seashells.

Sometimes they wear a southwestern woven shawl around their shoulders, especially if it is sunny or hot

Any clothes they wears has a very folk or antique vibe to it

They enjoy wrapping themself and others in blankets. Laying one down may invite them to rest during moments of solitude.